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الأغراض الّتي سأحملها معي

تاريخ: 16 Oct 2021

موقعك: Dunkirk

بلد: فرنسا

Public Event
Outdoor Event

If you had to leave your home never to return, what is the one thing you would take with you?

This is the question the local community in Dunkirk will answer in a large-scale exhibition made up of their most beloved possessions. The special significance each object holds for its owner will be revealed by stories that accompany the exhibition.

Sign up below to find out more about how to participate in The Walk events.

In Partnership with:

Ville de Dunkerque



Le Théâtre la Licorne



The Theatre La Licorne is a professional company created and directed by Claire Dancoisne who has been working in puppetry arts and object theatre for over 30 years. In 2015, the company opened a place of creation in Dunkerque. It welcomes artists for whom object and puppetry are fundamental. It also welcomes habitants for big events, trainings and exhibitions.

CMAD (Conservatoire de Musique et d'Art dramatique de Dunkerque)



The Dunkerque Center of Music and Dramatic Art offers a top-quality education accessible to all. It is open to amateur or professional-oriented practice. All ages are welcome in the Center to come and learn music or dramatic art.




4Ecluses is a structure dedicated to modern music in Dunkerque. We propose rock’n’roll fevers, sensorial trips, playful electo, authentic music, ska punk heroes, sharp hip hop and unpredictable ovnis for all audiences. We believe that music is a strong mean for personal and collective empowerment. Whether this is done through a regular practice during workshops or through shared musical moments elbow to elbow during concerts. Located in an ancient powder keg on a small island characterized by its vegetation, this structure has been at the heart of the city for over 30 years as a center for artistic and social projects.

Le Château Coquelle



The Château Coquelle is a social and cultural centre in Dunkerque. Attached to popular education values, the Château Coquelle develops cultural and artistic actions with different medium, whether it is photography, storytelling or dance.