لقاء العمالقة
تاريخ: 9 Oct 2021
وقت البدء المحلي: 14:00
بلد: بلجيكا
Public Event
Outdoor Event
In a celebratory event bringing together the diverse communities of Antwerp, Amal stumbles upon a family of local giants who become her hosts in the city.
Together they will walk through Antwerp in a public parade that culminates in a lively party organised by ATLAS.
Sign up below to find out more about how to participate in The Walk events.
ATLAS, inburgering & integratie Antwerpen is the first point of contact for newcomers and non-native speakers in Antwerp. Atlas also supports organisations in their language and diversity policy and promotes a realistic image of diversity.
District Borgerhout
Borgerhout is one of nine districts in the city of Antwerp, Belgium. It is characterised by its diversity and vibrancy. The district is a breeding ground for young, creative, and athletic talents sparked by social / community driven initiatives. Borgerhout is a melting pot of engaged citizens with a wide array of backgrounds. All different, but #togetherBorgerhout.