تاريخ: 22 Oct 2021
وقت البدء المحلي: 10:00
موقعك: Deptford Broadway, The Anchor - Giffin Square
بلد: المملكة المتّحدة
Public Event
Outdoor Event
Lewisham, the London Borough of Culture has commissioned an artist with experience of migration to create a public artwork that welcomes Amal and celebrates Lewisham’s diversity.
Sign up below to find out more about how to participate in The Walk events.
Lewisham Borough of Culture
United Kingdom
Lewisham is committed to welcoming people fleeing from violence and persecution, and protecting their rights. To date we have resettled 30 families and plan to welcome many more. We also intend to give safe haven to an additional 100 unaccompanied children over the next ten years.
Deptford X
United Kingdom
Deptford X is a visual arts charity based in Deptford, South East London. We foster artistic talent and nurture community within the borough of Lewisham and beyond. We achieve this through a free annual festival in Deptford, artist studio provision and ongoing activity supporting artists and our local communities throughout the year. Founded in 1998, Deptford X is London’s longest-running visual arts festival. Each year we work with hundreds of artists to locate art at the centre of everyday life for all of the area’s communities and to engage large & diverse audiences.
Migration Museum
United Kingdom
The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has made us who we are – as individuals and as a nation.