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تاريخ: 7 Oct 2021

وقت البدء المحلي: 12:00

موقعك: Brussels

بلد: بلجيكا

Public Event
Outdoor Event

Amal, La Monnaie, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles and Bozar deliver a mountain of letters in defence of childhood to the European Parliament in Brussels.

Each letter has been sent by children from around the world, many of whom Amal has met on her journey from Syria.

Their words will be transformed into song that the young people’s choir La Monnaie sing out to Parliament.

Sign up below to find out more about how to participate in The Walk events.

In Partnership with:

BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts



BOZAR is a place to discover visual arts, music, cinema, literature, theatre, architecture, performance, debates and dance from Brussels, Belgium, Europe and the world.

La Monnaie



As a prestigious cultural institution in the heart of Europe, La Monnaie is renowned for its cutting-edge opera productions, concerts, recitals and dance performances.

La Plateforme Citoyenne BELRefugees



La Plateforme Citoyenne BELRefugees œuvre pour une société plus ouverte et plus inclusive à l’égard des personnes en migration et vise à mobiliser et fédérer les énergies citoyennes et associatives pour transformer les représentations et attitudes sociétales au sujet des personnes en migration en contribuant à offrir une réponse à leurs besoins qui soit fondamentalement humaine et de qualité en développant, si nécessaire, de nouvelles solutions.

The Citizens’ Platform encourages the respect of a migration policy in accordance with international conventions, and in the respect of everyone’s rights. It is convinced that only a sustainable and united solution, based on the respect of human rights and universal brotherhood, can be put in place to face the global crisis of hospitality that our time is experiencing.

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles



The first French-speaking stage in Belgium, the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles is both a place of creation and presentation. Its programming, open to a large and diverse audience, is based on a committed and innovative theatre, anchored in the realities of the world and the major questions of our time.

Chaire Mahmoud Darwich



Created in 2016, the purpose of the chair is to disseminate the work and thought of the Palestinian poet, who is considered as one of the greatest contemporary authors. The Chair wishes to promote the work of film-makers, directors, choreographers and writers from the Middle-East and Maghreb.

International Rescue Committee


The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping people to  survive, recover and reclaim control of their future.