Through Rochdale
تاريخ: 2 Nov 2021
وقت البدء المحلي: 12:45
موقعك: Yorkshire Street and Rochdale Memorial Gardens, Rochdale town centre
بلد: المملكة المتّحدة
Public Event
Outdoor Event
Little Amal’s arrival into Greater Manchester continues with a visit to Rochdale where she will meet community groups who provide vital help and support to local asylum seekers and refugees.
From Yorkshire Street she’ll be greeted by local folk group Oakenhoof Cloggers and led down to Rochdale Memorial Gardens for a welcome by the mayor, local school children, a performance by Wardle Brass Band and an eye-catching display by Skylight Circus Arts.
This event is free and open to the public.
Rochdale Borough Council
United Kingdom
Your Trust
United Kingdom
Manchester International Festival
United Kingdom