Thursday 30 March 2023

Amal visits Brighton

Little Amal – whose name means ‘hope’ in Arabic – visits Brighton for the first time to lead a walk of hope along Brighton beach. Earlier that day, Amal will also visit children and families who have sought safety and asylum in the UK.

Learn more about Little Amal’s beach walk HERE.

Amal’s visit to Brighton is partnership with Fitzherbert Community Hub, Hummingbird Brighton, Together with Refugees and Voices in Exile.

Everyone is invited to walk alongside Amal.

Creative Team and Partners

Executive Producer | Sarah Loader
Associate Producer | Cherece Lucina John

Puppetry Director | Enrico Dau Yang Wey
Puppeteers | Bartolomeo Bartolini, Sarah Calver, Sebastian Charles, Rachel Leonard, Emma Longthorne and Ben Thompson
Media | Elijah Grant and Laura Wohlwend

Fitzherbert Community Hub

Together with Refugees

Voices in Exile

Brighton Table Tennis Club

Choose Love

Choose Love does whatever it takes to provide refugees and displaced people with everything from lifesaving search and rescue boats to food and legal advice. In 7 years they have helped over 4 million people in over 30 countries. They are currently working to support the hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been devastated by the recent earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. The Amal fund specifically supports Choose Love’s work with children and young people – ensuring education, shelter, legal assistance, medical care and much more is available to forcibly displaced children all over the world.