Little Amal at COP26 was produced by The Walk Productions and Good Chance Theatre in association with Handspring Puppet Company.
COP26 Partners

The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26.

350 is building a future that’s just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of the climate crisis.
Allianz Kulturstiftung

The Allianz Kulturstiftung is a not-for-profit cultural foundation for Europe. The aim of the Foundation is to strengthen cohesion in Europe using the tools of art and culture. As a promoter of social change, the Foundation is geared towards achieving impact and it operates independently. The head office is located in Berlin and the organisation plays an operational role as well as providing funding.
The Foundation is committed to translocal art and culture projects in Europe and the Mediterranean region. Over the coming years, it will focus its strategic work on the following thematic areas. It will promote an open society while adopting a decentralised approach to Europe and driving forward digitalisation for the common good.
Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative

The mission of CDPI is to promote the maritime heritage of the River and Firth of Clyde as something that is evolving, developing and relevant in a modern context. We aim to promote the idea that heritage is as much about current/future developments and activity as it is about history.
We are concerned with the “living heritage” that is constantly evolving and what we leave for future generations.
We operate both through direct activity and efforts to positively influence others with the necessary resources.
Citizens Theatre

The Citizens Theatre is Glasgow’s major producing theatre and one of the leading theatre companies in the UK. Over the last 75 years, it has built an international reputation for producing innovative shows on stage, alongside a highly regarded participatory and community engagement programme. It is led by Artistic Director, Dominic Hill who is regarded as having “a talent for classical drama which is genuinely world class.” (Daily Telegraph) and Executive Director, Alex McGowan. The theatre presents bold new interpretations of classic texts that are accessible and relevant – and uniquely, where any member of the audience can attend a performance for as little as 50p.
More information:
Connect 4 Climate

Connect4Climate is a global partnership program launched by the World Bank Group and the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition (MITE), together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, that takes on climate change by supporting ambitious leadership, promoting transformative solutions and empowering collective action.
The Democracy and Culture Foundation

The Foundation identifies new ways to improve democratic processes and the role of culture in allowing them to flourish. We engage in constructive conversation with experts and citizens to form policy-oriented solutions, and drive them forward to ensure lasting change.
Fablevision Studios

Fablevision Studios is a social enterprise based in Glasgow, situated in Paisley, and is a sister company to the charity, Fablevision. It offers a range of affordable video production and other media-related services predominantly to social enterprises and charities, but also to the public and private sectors across Scotland.
Mishcon de Reya

With more than 900 people, Mishcon de Reya LLP is an independent law firm with an international footprint. In times of such far-reaching and profound change we want to be the law firm that enables our clients – and our own people – to shape the world’s possibilities.
We are here to help our clients benefit from new economies, new geographic centres of wealth, the new global movement of people and capital, and the impact of new technologies and new knowledge.
National Theatre of Scotland

The National Theatre of Scotland is dedicated to playing the great stages, arts centres, village halls, schools and site-specific locations of Scotland, the UK and internationally. As well as creating ground-breaking productions and working with the most talented theatre-makers, the National Theatre of Scotland produces significant community engagement projects, innovates digitally and works constantly to develop new talent. Central to this is finding pioneering ways to reach current and new audiences and to encourage people’s full participation in the Company’s work.
With no performance building of its own, the Company works with existing and new venues and companies to create and tour theatre of the highest quality. Founded in 2006, the Company, in its short life, has become a globally significant theatrical player, with an extensive repertoire of award-winning work. The National Theatre of Scotland is supported by the Scottish Government.
The New York Times

The New York Times is dedicated to helping people understand the world through on-the-ground, expert and deeply reported independent journalism.
One Young World

One Young World identifies, connects and promotes young leaders, giving them a global platform.
Pears Foundation

Pears Foundation is a family foundation driven by a desire to demonstrate the good that philanthropy can achieve in the world. Since its establishment the Foundation has committed over £250million of support.
Perth Theatre

Perth Theatre celebrated 120 years at the heart of cultural life in Perthshire in 2020. The restored and redeveloped venue features a fully restored Edwardian auditorium, a 200 capacity studio, dedicated community rooms, and spacious and welcoming public areas.
As well as creating and touring its own productions, Perth Theatre collaborates with theatre companies and visiting artists to bring the best of local, national and international work to its audiences.
Vision Mechanics

Vision Mechanics leads in encouraging communities to cooperate in the creation of original high quality arts projects. Events are staged all over the country in both conventional and site-specific environments with a strong emphasis on cross-artform collaborations.
Still Moving

People and place are at the core of our personal and shared practices. Still/Moving Projects is a platform for creative activities