The Walk 2021 was produced by The Walk Productions and Good Chance Theatre in association with Handspring Puppet Company.
Cultural Partners
Manchester International Festival (MIF)
United Kingdom
Manchester International Festival commissions, produces and presents new work across the arts at our biennial festival, via our year-round programme and for The Factory, our future home.
BKM, Besiktas Kultur Merkezi
BKM was established in 1998 as a theatre and artistic company of actors. They created live TV productions and large scale concerts, and since 2000 have become one of the leading film producers in Turkey.
BKM 1998’de oyuncuların kurduğu bir şirket ve tiyatro olarak faaliyete geçti. Canlı TV yapımları ve büyük ölçekli konserlerle öne çıktılar. 2000’den bu yana Türkiye’nin öncü film yapımcılarından biri oldular.
Kinitiras is an internationally recognised artistic network, connecting professionals and amateurs through the performing arts. Its main focus is research through intercultural collaborations in Greece and abroad.
Ο Κινητήρας είναι ένα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένο καλλιτεχνικό δίκτυο που συνδέει επαγγελματίες κι ερασιτέχνες μέσα από τις παραστατικές τέχνες. Δίνει έμφαση στην έρευνα και τη διαπολιτισμικότητα μέσα από συνεργασίες με άλλους φορείς στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό.
MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts, is the first Italian national institution devoted to contemporary creativity.
Il MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo è la prima istituzione nazionale dedicata alla creatività contemporanea.
Palais de la Porte Dorée – Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration
The mission of the Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration is to assemble, protect, enhance and make the history of immigration accessible to the greatest number of people, to communicate and recognize the role of immigration in the construction of France.
Le Musée a pour mission de rendre accessible l’histoire de l’immigration pour faire connaître et reconnaître le rôle de l’immigration dans la construction de la France.
BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts
Discover visual arts, music, cinema, literature, theatre, architecture, performance, debates and dance from Brussels, Belgium, Europe and the world.
Un lieu de découverte des arts visuels, de la musique, du cinéma, de la littérature, du théâtre, de l’architecture, des performances, des débats et de la danse de Bruxelles, de Belgique, d’Europe et du monde entier.
Royal Opera House
United Kingdom
The Royal Opera House, home to The Royal Ballet, The Royal Opera and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, aims to give everyone access to exceptional ballet and opera.
İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı (İKSV)
Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) is a non-profit cultural institution that presents Istanbul Festivals of Music, Film, Theatre and Jazz as well as biennials of contemporary art and design. İKSV also drafts annual cultural policy reports.
İKSV, İstanbul Müzik, Film, Tiyatro ve Caz Festivalleri ile güncel sanat ve tasarım alanında bienaller düzenleyen, kâr amacı gütmeyen bir kültür kurumudur. İKSV her yıl kültür politikaları raporları da yayımlar.Web sitesini ziyaret edin
mind the fact
mind the fact is an artistic initiative and festival founded in 2016. It is an innovative model of artistic production based on true stories told by the people who experienced them.
Kαλλιτεχνική πρωτοβουλία και φεστιβάλ που ιδρύθηκε το 2016. Πρόκειται για ένα καινοτόμο μοντέλο καλλιτεχνικής παραγωγής βασισμένο στις αληθινές ιστορίες με πρωταγωνιστές τους ανθρώπους που τις έζησαν
Southbank Centre
United Kingdom
Southbank Centre is the largest arts centre in the UK and one of the nation’s top five visitor attractions. They seek out the world’s most exciting artists, from household names to fresh new talent, and give them space to showcase their best work.
Teatro di Roma
Teatro di Roma is the National Theatre of the City of Rome.
Il Teatro di Roma è il Teatro Nazionale della città di Roma.
Institut du Monde Arabe
The Arab World Institute was designed to create some strong and durable cultural ties while cultivating constructive dialogue between the Arab World, France, and Europe.
Inauguré en 1987, l’Institut du monde arabe a pour but de faire connaître le monde arabe, son histoire et sa culture. Il est présidé par Jack Lang.
National Theatre
United Kingdom
At the National Theatre, we make world-class theatre that is entertaining, challenging and inspiring. And we make it for everyone.
WOW - Women of the World Festival
WOW believes that a gender equal world is urgently required. Through festivals we celebrate women and girls, and explore the obstacles they face and solutions for change.
Théâtre National de Chaillot
The Théâtre National de Chaillot is one of the five French national theatres and the only one created
around dance.
Le Théâtre National de Chaillot est l’un des cinq théâtres nationaux français (établissements publics dont les missions sont définies par l’État) et le seul à porter un projet construit autour et à partir de la danse.
Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
The first French-speaking stage in Belgium, the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles is both a place of creation and presentation. Its programming, open to a large and diverse audience, is based on a committed and innovative theatre, anchored in the realities of the world and the major questions of our time.
Première scène francophone de Belgique, le Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles est à la fois lieu de création et de diffusion. Sa programmation, ouverte à un public large et diversifié, est fondée sur un théâtre engagé et novateur, ancré dans les réalités du monde et les grandes questions qui traversent notre époque.
La Criée Théâtre National de Marseille
Based near the Old Port, La Criée national theatre of Marseille, directed by Macha Makeïeff, offers a wide-ranging program of theatre, arts and images with the overall aim of artistic creation and transmission of knowledge.
Ouverte sur le Vieux-Port, fabrique de théâtre, d’art et d’images, La Criée, dirigée par Macha Makeïeff, affirme chaque jour sa mission de création et de transmission du répertoire.
Kültürhane is a venue in Mersin housing a library and a cafe for social gatherings. It was established by a group of academics.
Kültürhane, Mersin’de kurulu bulunan ve bir kütüphane ile sosyal toplantılar için bir kafeyi barındıran mekandır. Bir grup ihraç edilen akademisyen tarafından kurulmuştur.
Piraeus Municipal Theatre
Founded over 125 years ago, the newly-restored, historical Piraeus Municipal Theatre has become one of Greece’s most successful theatre organisations, reviving the artistic heart of Piraeus region near Athens. Theatre Director Lefteris Giovanidis is the head of Piraeus Municipal Theatre.
Το Δημοτικό Θέατρο Πειραιά, με ιστορία 125 και πλέον χρόνων, αποτελεί ένα σημείο ορόσημο για την πόλη του Πειραιά, αλλά και ένα από τα πιο ζωντανά και δραστήρια κύτταρα της ελληνικής θεατρικής ζωής, αφού τα τελευταία χρόνια, μετά την ανακαίνιση και την ανανέωσή του, στεγάζει και φιλοξενεί, με μεγάλη επιτυχία, φιλόδοξες, πρωτοποριακές και κλασσικές, θεατρικές και μουσικές παραστάσεις, εκθέσεις, εγκαταστάσεις, εργαστήρια κλπ. Από τον Ιούλιο του 2020 τη διεύθυνση του ΔΘΠ έχει αναλάβει ο σκηνοθέτης Λευτέρης Γιοβανίδης.
Teatro Pubblico Pugliese
Teatro Pubblico Pugliese is The Regional Multidisciplinary Network – recognized by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities – that promotes the dissemination of culture through performing arts in the Apulia area.
Circuito regionale multidisciplinare riconosciuto dal Mibact, promuove nell’intero territorio pugliese la diffusione della cultura attraverso le arti e lo spettacolo dal vivo.
Shakespeare’s Globe
United Kingdom
Shakespeare’s Globe is a world-renowned Theatre and Education centre. We celebrate Shakespeare’s transformative impact on the world by conducting a radical theatrical experiment.
United Kingdom
We’re Landsec and we create places that make a lasting positive contribution to our communities and our planet, bringing people together, forming connections with each other and the spaces we create.
La Villette
La Villette is a public institution supported by Ministry of Culture. As an Cultural Urban Park, it has the mission to produce and organize cultural events. La Villette’s core mission is to support new forms of artistic expression, local or international, particularly through its residency program.
Parc culturel parisien, La Villette conjugue arts, détente et sport en milieu urbain. L’une des vocations essentielles de La Villette est de promouvoir de nouvelles formes d’expression artistique (hip hop, slam, électro, arts numériques…). Ces cultures urbaines côtoient des arts populaires en plein renouveau comme le cirque, le théâtre ou les arts de la rue, programmés sous des formes contemporaines.
Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini
The Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, named after the Florentine composer Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842), is located in piazza Belle Arti in Florence. It is home to Italy’s most important collection of musical instruments ‘Museo degli strumenti musicali’, some of which belonged to the Medici court.
Sadler's Wells
United Kingdom
Sadler’s Wells is a world-leading dance organisation, committed to producing, commissioning and presenting new works and to bringing the best domestic and international dance to UK and worldwide audiences.
Izmir Uluslararasi Kukla Günleri / Izmir International Puppet Days
Izmir International Puppet Days is an annual puppet festival in Izmir that aims to build a cultural dialogue between countries while introducing the art of puppetry to people.
İzmir Uluslararası Kukla Günleri, kukla sanatını insanlara tanıtırken ülkeler arasında da kültürel diyalog geliştirmeyi hedefleyen ve her yıl İzmir’de düzenlenen bir festival.
Somerset House
United Kingdom
Somerset House is London’s working arts centre built on historic foundations around one of the most beautiful courtyards in Europe.
Situated at the very heart of the capital, it is home to the UK’s largest and most exciting creative community and are overflowing with new ideas, young businesses and fresh perspectives.
La MaMa Umbria International
La MaMa Umbria International is a cultural center and artist residence in Spoleto, Italy which provides artists with residency programs, performance opportunities and workshops.
La MaMa Umbria International è un centro culturale e residenziale situato a Spoleto che offre agli artisti residenze, laboratori e performances.
Grand Théâtre Genève
Grand Théâtre Genève was founded in 1879 in a building built by Jacques-Elisée Goss, on the Square de Neuve, Geneva. The Theatre presents operas, ballets, recitals and concerts. It also programs many activities around the shows such as apéropéras, brunchs, Late Nights and workshops. Grand Théâtre Genève is directed by Aviel Can and was awarded Best Maison d’Opéra of 2020 by the magazine Operwelt.
Fondé en 1879 dans un bâtiment dessiné par Jacques-Elisée Goss sur la place de Neuve, le Grand Théâtre Genève, selon un programme de saison, présente des opéras de répertoire et des créations, des ballets, des récitals et des concerts. Il propose également de nombreuses activités autour des spectacles telles que apéropéras, brunchs, Late Nights, ateliers, etc. Le Grand Théâtre de Genève est dirigé depuis juillet 2019 par Aviel Cahn. En octobre dernier, l’institution a reçu le prix “meilleure maison d’opéra 2020” par le magazine de référence Opernwelt.
Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
United Kingdom
Taking place from 28 July to 8 August, the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase the West Midlands on the global stage.
K2 Güncel Sanat Merkezi
K2 houses a gallery, an archive and artist workhops in İzmir. It organises national and international exhibitions, conferences, performances and screens films and video works.
Galeri, arşiv ve sanatçı atölyelerini bünyesinde toplayan K2, İzmir’de ulusal ve uluslararası sergi projeleri ile seminerler, konferanslar, performanslar, film ve video gösterimleri gerçekleştirir.
Le Carreau du Temple
A Ville de Paris facility, the Carreau du Temple is a cultural and sports venue dedicated to urban lifestyles.
Le Carreau du Temple est un établissement culturel et sportif de la Ville de Paris, dirigé par Sandrina Martins.
Polyplanity Productions
Polyplanity is an independent production company, established in the performing arts, video and interdisciplinary events fields and thriving on the creative challenge of fusing art with production.
Ανεξάρτητη εταιρεία παραγωγής που έχει εδραιωθεί στο χώρο των παραστατικών τεχνών, του βίντεο και των διακαλλιτεχνικών έργων. Είμαστε μια ομάδα αφοσιωμένων δημιουργών που αναζητά κι ανταποκρίνεται στην πρόκληση να παντρέψει την τέχνη με την παραγωγή.
Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa is a theatre in Milan, Italy. Founded in 1947, it is Italy’s first permanent theatre, and a national “teatro stabile”, or permanent repertory company, and is considered a theatre of major national and European importance.
Piccolo Nuovo Teatro
Piccolo Nuovo Teatro is a company of Artists, Acrobats and Stilt Walkers who have been performing with fire for more than 20 years in town squares all over the world.
Compagnia di Artisti, Acrobati e Trampolieri che da oltre 20 anni si esibisce con giochi di fuoco nelle piazze di tutto il mondo.
Sheffield Theatres
United Kingdom
Three theatres belong to Sheffield. The world-famous Crucible, a Sheffield landmark with a distinctive stage and a reputation for unforgettable productions. The Studio, an intimate, versatile space for getting even closer to the action. The beautiful Lyceum, the gleaming traditional proscenium arch theatre that hosts the best of the UK’s touring shows.
Complicité is an international touring theatre company, based in London. Founded in 1983 by Annabel Arden, Fiona Gordon, Marcello Magni and Simon McBurney, the Company is now led by Artistic Director McBurney OBE. Between 1993 and 2018 all of the company’s work was produced by Judith Dimant.
Les Nuits de Fourvière
Theatre, music, dance, opera, circus… The Nuits de Fourvière strives to bring various artistic disciplines together: each summer, the festival presents nearly 130 performances for 150,000 spectators in Roman theatres.
Théâtre, musique, danse, opéra, cirque… Les Nuits de Fourvière s’attachent à faire coexister les disciplines artistiques : chaque été, le festival présente près de 130 représentations pour 150 000 spectateurs dans les théâtres romains.
Ümit Temurçin
Styling expert Ümit Temurçin gives lectures on design and writes for the Akşam Newspaper in Turkey. He is also the consultant of Denizli Fashion Week.
Styling uzmanı Ümit Temurçin, tasarım üzerine çeşitli enstitülerde ders vermekle birlikte Akşam Gazetesi’ne de moda ve stil yazıları yazıyor. Ayrıca Denizli Moda Haftası’nın da danışmanı.
Châteauvallon-Liberté, scène nationale
The national stage of Châteauvallon-Liberté consists of two venues, seven stages, including one digital. As spaces for art and culture, they defend, on a daily basis and through multiple actions, a policy of openness, diversity, exchange and dialogue.
Châteauvallon-Liberté, scène nationale, ce sont deux lieux, six scènes et une septième, numérique. Lieux d’art et de culture, ils défendent au quotidien et par de nombreuses actions originales, une politique d’ouverture, de diversité, d’échanges et de dialogues.
La Monnaie
As a prestigious cultural institution in the heart of Europe, La Monnaie is renowned for its cutting-edge opera productions, concerts, recitals and dance performances.
Institution culturelle prestigieuse au cœur de l’Europe, La Monnaie s’illustre par l’avant-gardisme de ses productions d’opéra, ses concerts, ses récitals et ses spectacles de danse.
Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
by Charles of Bourbon in 1738 to house the collection of his mother Elisabetta Farnese
and the 134-hectare Real Bosco with 400 different plant species.
Coventry UK City of Culture 2021
United Kingdom
Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 is the city where movement began, from innovation in the transport industry to a history of activism and welcome. This city has moved people for centuries.
Yaren Kooperatifi,
Yaren Cooperative develops projects to to increase young people’s awareness of cultural heritage and folklore. They focus on the interaction between the traditional culture and contemporary art.
Yaren Kooperatifi, gençlerin ve çocukların kültürel miras ve halk bilimi üzerine farkındalığını arttırmak için projeler geliştiriyor. Projelerde özellikle geleneksel kültür ile güncel sanatın etkileşimine odaklanıyorlar.
UNIMA-HELLAS is the Greek Centre of the International Union of Puppet Theatre. The association of Greek Puppeteers, founded in 1990 that promotes puppetry in Greece.
To Ελληνικό Κέντρο της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Κουκλοθεάτρου είναι συλλογικό όργανο των κουκλοπαικτών της Ελλάδας και προωθεί αυτή την τέχνη στη χώρα. Έτος ίδρυσης: 1990.
District Borgerhout
Borgerhout is one of nine districts in the city of Antwerp, Belgium. It is characterised by its diversity and vibrancy. The district is a breeding ground for young, creative, and athletic talents sparked by social and community driven initiatives. Borgerhout is a melting pot of engaged citizens from a wide array of backgrounds. All different, but #togetherBorgerhout.
Borgerhout est l’un des neuf quartiers de la ville d’Anvers en Belgique. Il est caractérisé par sa diversité et son dynamisme. Ce quartier est un terrain fertile pour des jeunes talents, créatifs et sportifs, permis par les initiatives des centres sociaux et de diverses communautés. Borgerhout est un ‘melting-pot’ de citoyens engagés provenant d’un large éventail d’horizons. Tous différents et #togetherBorgerhout.
Il Teatro nel Baule
Il Teatro nel Baule company, is a centre of research, training and performance production. They believe in theatre as a necessary act, which gives value back to the meeting between human beings.
Compagnia Il Teatro nel Baule, centro di ricerca, formazione e produzione spettacoli. Fare teatro è un atto necessario che restituisce valore all’incontro tra esseri umani.
Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes
Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes includes the world’s largest gathering of puppeteers every other year in Charleville-Mézières.
Le Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières est la référence nationale et internationale et le rendez-vous incontournable du monde des Arts de la Marionnette.
Fondazione Carnevale di Putignano
Spreading the knowledge of the Putignano Carnival, developing the culture linked to the art of papier-mâché, promoting training, strengthening the cultural education of the community: these are the objectives of the Putignano Carnival Foundation, founded by the Municipality of Putignano.
Diffondere la conoscenza del Carnevale di Putignano, sviluppare la cultura legata all’arte della cartapesta, promuovere la formazione, rafforzare l’educazione culturale della collettività: questi gli obiettivi dalla Fondazione Carnevale di Putignano, fondata dal Comune di Putignano.
Portakal Çiçeği Karnavali/ Orange Blossom Carnival
Orange Blossom Carnival, celebrates spring every April with a rich cultural program. They highlight the cultural richness of Adana through various artistic and social activities.
Portakal Çiçeği Karnavalı her yıl Nisan ayında, müzikten tasarıma uzanan kültürel bir programla baharın gelişini kutluyor. Adana’nın kültürel zenginliğini, sanat etkinlikleri aracılığıyla dünya gündemine taşıyor.
The Ruhrfestspiele is one of the oldest, largest and most renowned theatre festivals in Europe. During the annual festival season from May 1st to mid-June Recklinghausen transforms into an international cultural and theatre metropolis. International drama and dance theatre and co-productions with major German-speaking theatres, but also outstanding productions of the off-theatre scene and the New Circus form the core of the contemporary programme. Performance productions, visual arts, readings, concerts and new discourse formats also seek to address relevant political issues. Olaf Kröck is artistic director of the Ruhrfestspiele from the 2019 festival season onwards. Together with his team, he sees the Ruhrfestspiele as an open meeting place where visitors and artists can engage in an exchange on pressing questions of the future.
The Ruhrfestspiele est un festival européen, l’un des plus grands, des plus anciens et des plus reconnus. Pendant la saison annuelle du festival entre le 1er mai et la mi-juin, Recklinghausen se transforme en une métropole de culture internationale et de théâtre. On y découvre des productions internationales de théâtre, de danse-théâtre, des co-productions avec de grands théâtres allemands, des productions à couper le souffle sur la scène théâtrale ‘off’ et du Nouveau Cirque. On y rencontre aussi des performances, de l’art visuel, des lectures, des concerts et de nouveaux formats de discours qui cherchent à engager les questions politiques de notre temps. Olaf Kröck est le directeur artistique du Ruhrfestspiele depuis la saison 2019. Avec son équipe, il envisage le Ruhrfestspiele festival comme un espace de rencontre où les visiteurs et les artistes peuvent s’engager dans des échanges à propos des questions urgentes de notre futur.
United Kingdom
The Roundhouse is a hub of inspiration where artists and emerging talent create extraordinary work and where young people can grow creatively as individuals.
Théâtre du Soleil
Le Théâtre du Soleil is a Parisian avant-garde stage ensemble founded by Ariane Mnouchkine, Philippe Léotard and fellow students of the L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in 1964 as a collective of theatre artists.
Le Théâtre du Soleil est une compagnie de théâtre fondée sous forme de Scop par Ariane Mnouchkine en 1964 avec Philippe Léotard, Jean-Claude Penchenat, Roberto Moscoso, Françoise Tournafond. Mnouchkine crée la troupe après avoir suivi les cours de Jacques Lecoq.
Teatri di San Carlo
The San Carlo is the oldest theatre in Europe that is still operational: built in 1737, this Italian temple to opera sits next to Piazza del Plebiscito, the symbol of the city of Naples.
Il San Carlo è il più antico teatro operante in Europa: costruito nel 1737, il tempio italiano della lirica sorge accanto a Piazza del Plebiscito, simbolo della città di Napoli.
Biennale de la danse
The BiennialParade is Europe’s largest dance parade with 250 artists and 4,000 amateur participants and one of the highlights of the Africa2020 season
Le Défilé de la Biennale, plus grande parade dansée d’Europe avec ses 250 artistes et 4000 participants amateurs, sera pour sa 13e édition l’un des temps forts de la Saison Africa2020.
Marielise Aad
Marielise Aad is a versatile artist and cultural maker, an actress, a puppeteer, a clown doctor, a djembeh player, a mover, a drama therapist to be and the executive director of Hammana Artist House.
Omar Abu Saada
Omar Abu Saada is an internationally-acclaimed Syrian director and playwright who focuses on contemporary writing and documentary theatre. His work has been performed at The Lincoln Center, Avignon Festival, Berlin’s Volksbühne, Kunsten Festival, Wiener Festwochen, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, and Powszechny Theater in Warsaw.
Accademia Perduta
Forlì / Cesena and Ravenna
Accademia Perduta / Romagna Teatri is a Center for the production of shows for Children and Contemporary Theater directed by Claudio Casadio and Ruggero Sintoni. In addition to the production activity the company has the direction and management of various theatre spaces in the areas of Forlì / Cesena and Ravenna.
Accademia Perduta/Romagna Teatri è un Centro di Produzione di spettacoli per Ragazzi e di Teatro Contemporaneo diretto da Claudio Casadio e Ruggero Sintoni. All’attività di produzione, si affianca quella di direzione e gestione di diversi spazi teatrali nelle province di Forlì/Cesena e Ravenna
Açık Stüdyo
Açık Stüdyo (Open Studio) defines itself as a performance researches initiative which has been inaugurated in a black box in Izmir. They continue their journey in Urla.
Açık Stüdyo kendini, İzmir merkezindeki bir karakutuda faaliyete başlamış olan ve serüvenine Urla’da devam eden bir performans araştırmaları inisiyatifi olarak tanımlıyor.
Ali M. Demirel
Ali M. Demirel was born in Turkey in 1972. Demirel started to make video-art in the early 90s. Later in 2005, he directed his interest in digital technologies by using interactive computer-generated images and started to create interactive live audio-visual performances. Demirel is known across minimal electronic music scene for his singular visual aesthetic developed during that period. Recently he is focusing on nature as the main source of inspiration, investigating humanity’s inherent connection to nature by studying specific mythologies and geographies. He lives and works in Berlin since 2008.
Ali M. Demirel 1972 yılında Türkiye’de doğdu. 90’ların başında video sanatı alanında üretime başladı. 2005’ten itibaren dijital teknolojilere yönelen Demirel, bilgisayar destekli interaktif görseller kullanarak canlı işitsel ve görsel performanslar sergiledi. Sanatçı bu dönemde geliştirdiği kendine has görsel estetik ile minimal elektronik müzik camiasında tanındı. 2008’den beri Berlin’de yaşayan ve üreten Demirel, son zamanlarda ana ilham kaynağı olarak doğaya odaklanıyor. Coğrafya ve mitoloji eksenli çalışmalar ile insanın doğa ile olan ayrılmaz bağlantısını araştırıyor.
Bissane Al Charif
Bissane Al Charif is a Palestinian/Syrian set designer and visual artist who studied architecture in Damascus and scenography in France, and has worked as a stage designer throughout Europe and many Arab countries.
Ammar al-Beik
Ammar al-Beik is a Syrian filmmaker and visual artist based in Marseille, known for his installations and video work. The subjects of his photographic works and films, have ranged from recovered studio portraits of ordinary Syrians to cinematic essays on seminal filmmakers, artists, and popular figures. In the initial part of his career, al-Beik focused on his native Syria, documenting the ways in which communities navigated the instability of its society under punishing isolation and political control. At the same time, form and a high level of experimentation are central to his work, resulting in several groundbreaking film and video projects, in addition to conceptual works.
The Albany
Mudar Alhaggi
Mudar Alhaggi is a celebrated Syrian playwright living in Berlin. Many of his works tell his own story as a refugee crossing Europe. A Sundance alumni, his work is regularly produced in Germany and across the Arab world.
The ABUSUAN Intercultural Center has been operating in Bari since 1998. The ABUSUAN Association (in the Akan language of the Ivory Coast “the big family”) is an Intercultural Center, a meeting place between cultures and traditions of different countries.
Il Centro Interculturale ABUSUAN nasce a Bari nel 1998. L’Associazione ABUSUAN (nella lingua Akan della Costa d’Avorio “la grande famiglia”) è un Centro Interculturale, un luogo di incontro tra culture e tradizioni di paesi diversi.
Alwane was founded to support projects developed by civilians to help children affected by the violent conflict in Syria. The charity is actually active in Syria.
L’association lyonnaise Alwane soutient des projets auprès des enfants de familles déplacées en Syrie. Elle organise régulièrement des événements culturels au profit de ses actions.
APS Echoes
APS Echoes is an association for social promotion that operates between physical theater, introspective theater and new technologies, based in Florence and of local and international outreach. Echoes wants to give color and value to the communities on its path, creating relevant, varied and multidisciplinary artistic proposals.
APS Echoes e’ una associazione di promozione sociale che opera tra il teatro fisico, il teatro introspettivo e le nuove tecnologie con sede a Firenze e di estensione locale e internazionale. Echoes vuole dar colore e valore alle comunità sul proprio percorso, creando rilevanti proposte artistiche variegate e multidisciplinari.
Art’n Co Magic
La Brigue
Art’n Co Magic shares its artistic journey into the world of puppets, from those of Mariano Dolci to the giant puppets of Stéphane Meppiel using only recycled material.
Art’n Co Magic condivide il suo viaggio artistico nel mondo delle marionnette, da quelle di Mariano Dolci alle marionnette giganti di Stéphane Meppiel utilizzando solo materiale di riciclo.
Art Asyl e.V. has been working since 2015 for an open society in which people with different histories, origins, lifestyles, beliefs, ways of relating and building families can live together. We organize activities in the areas of empowerment and participation, workshops, cultural education and mediation, networks and events.
Art Asyl œuvre depuis 2015 pour une société ouverte dans laquelle des personnes ayant différentes histoires, origines, modes de vie, croyances peuvent vivre ensemble. Ils organisent des activités visant à favoriser l’autonomisation et la participation mais aussi des ateliers, de l’éducation culturelle et des événements.
ASBL La Source
ASBL La Source supports vulnerable people in their social and professional integration and promotes interculturality and inclusion.
ASBL La Source est un Centre d’Insertion Socioprofessionnelle. Parmi les projets portés, l’association porte le projet Initiative Locale d’Intégration. Ce projet promeut l’interculturalité en réalisant des actions collectives visant l’intégration sociale des personnes étrangères ou d’origines étrangères.
ASSITEJ Italia connects artists and companies of theatre for young audiences to promote quality and cultural significance of theatre for new generations.
ASSITEJ Italia raggruppa artisti e compagnie di teatro ragazzi con l’intento di promuovere la qualità e il significato culturale del teatro per le giovani generazioni.
Association Prévention Site la Villette
Created in 1986, located in the heart of the La Villette site, APSV is involved in social support, professional integration, training and social engineering actions in the Paris region and Seine-Saint-Denis. It manages the educational and cultural program Browse la Villette.
Créée en 1986, implantée au cœur du site de la Villette, l’APSV intervient sur des actions d’accompagnement social, d’insertion professionnelle, de formation et d’ingénierie sociale sur le territoire parisien et la Seine-Saint-Denis. Elle pilote le dispositif éducatif et culturel Parcourir la Villette.
Association Tako
Tako explores urban space within Happy City Lab, using the city as a canvas to create situations and events that generate powerful and participatory experiences, inviting the viewer to invest in the present moment and break out of their routine.
L’association Tako explore au sein d’Happy City Lab l’espace urbain qui utilise la ville comme un canevas pour créer des situations et des événements qui génèrent des expériences puissantes et participatives, qui invitent l’individu à investir le moment présent et se sortir de sa routine. Tako place l’interaction sociale au cœur de ses projets, transformant l’environnement urbain afin d’amener chaque personne à porter un nouveau regard sur ce qui l’entoure.
Associazione 5T
Emilia Romagna
Associazione 5T promote theatre for young audiences in Emilia Romagna – IT, with the collaboration of the major national and international TYA companies and local authorities.
Associazione 5T si occupa diffusione del Teatro Ragazzi sul territorio Emiliano, con la collaborazione delle maggiori compagnie nazionali e internazionali del settore e degli enti locali.
Associazione CREA
Associazione CREA was founded in 2003 as a non-profit cultural association, with the aim of promoting educational, cultural and research activities in the fields of culture / inter-culture, anti-discrimination, the environment and personal support, it became a non-profit organisation in 2013.
Associazione CREA: Nata nel 2003 come associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro, con l’obiettivo di promuovere attività formative, culturali e di ricerca nell’ambito della cultura/intercultura, dell’antidiscriminazione, dell’ambiente e del sostegno alla persona, è diventata onlus nel 2013….
Associazione Giuliano Accomazzi
Since 2017, L’Associazione Giuliano Accomazzi has welcomed two Syrian families who fled to Lebanon and then arrived in Italy (Turin).
L’Associazione Giuliano Accomazzi è una piccola associazione di volontariato. Dal 2017 l’associazione ha accolto due famiglie siriane fuggite in Libano e poi arrivate in Italia (Torino). Giuliano Accomazzi Association is a small voluntary association.
Balconnection is an initiative for art to be seen directly by the public and aims to establish a direct dialogue between artist and the community.
Balconnection, sanatın halk tarafından doğrudan görülmesine yönelik bir girişimdir ve toplum ile sanatçı arasında doğrudan bir diyalog kurmayı amaçlar.
Bolton & Quinn
Bolton & Quinn is a leading international PR consultancy specialising in arts and culture. Founded in London in 1981, it provides strategic communications advice and implementation to the world’s leading museums, arts foundations and artists.
AZ Celtic Films
AZ Celtic Films is a leading production company focussing on creating international content in Istanbul.
AZ Celtic Films uluslararası içerik üreten sektörde öncü yapım şirketi
Kinan Azmeh
New York
United States
Syrian-born, Brooklyn-based genre-bending composer and clarinetist Kinan Azmeh has been hailed as a “virtuoso” and “intensely soulful” by the New York Times and “spellbinding” by the New Yorker.
Tammam Azzam
Tammam Azzam is a contemporary Syrian artist whose works deal directly with the ongoing conflict in his country. Before the Syrian uprising, the artist had a successful career as a painter but after his studio was destroyed his work changed. In 2011, Azzam left Damascus for Dubai where he spent the next four years. Along with painting, the artist now produces graphic design, sculptures, and digital works. He currently lives and works in Berlin.
Bartolomeo Bartolini
United Kingdom and Italy
Bartolomeo is a multidisciplinary emerging artist, puppeteer, clown, actor, activist. He is co-founder of the culture-promoting APS Echoes in Firenze and Tailwind Theatre in the UK, devising versatile physical work aimed at inspiring change and introspection.
Bartolomeo è un artista emergente multidisciplinare, burattinaio, clown, attore, attivista. È il Co-fondatore dell’Associazione di Promozione Sociale ‘Echoes’ a Firenze e di ‘Tailwind Theatre’ nel Regno Unito, con cui crea opere di teatro fisico mirate a inspirare cambiamento e introspezione.
Girum Bekele
United Kingdom
Girum Bekele is a circus artist from Ethiopia, who began his acting career performing in Good Chance’s production of The Jungle at the Young Vic Theatre London, in 2017.
Nica Burns
United Kingdom
Nica Burns OBE is a multi-award winning theatre producer. She is Chief Executive of Nimax Theatres Limited, co-owner of its six London theatres, Director of the annual Edinburgh Comedy Awards and is building a flexible space theatre with outstanding creative facilities in Soho, London due to open in 2022.
Biennale of Western Balkans
The Biennale of Western Balkans (BoWB) promotes intangible and natural heritage through art, technology and open knowledge, with the objective of inspiring people to experience tradition anew.
Η Μπιενάλε των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων προωθεί τη διάδοση της πολιτιστικής και φυσικής κληρονομιάς μέσω της τέχνης, της τεχνολογίας και της ανοιχτής πρόσβασης στη γνώση, με στόχο να εμπνεύσει ανθρώπους σε όλο τον κόσμο να έρθουν σε επαφή με την παράδοση.
Boat-sharing, heritage preservation and discovery of the sea for all.
Bateaux-partage, sauvegarde du patrimoine et découverte de la mer pour tous.
Brasilionico Grupo Percussivo
Brasilionico is a musical ensemble by the standards of bloco afro of Bahia (Brazil), it conducts afro-brazilian percussion lessons and performs at various events.
Το Brasilionico είναι ένα μουσικό σύνολο στα πρότυπα των bloco afro της Bahia (Βραζιλία), πραγματοποιεί μαθήματα αφρο-βραζιλιάνικων κρουστών και ζωντανές εμφανίσεις σε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις.
Burattinificio Mangiafoco
Caravan Project
The Caravan Project is non- profit organisation consisted by interdisciplinary team of filmmakers, architects, anthropologists, designers, economists and strategy planners that supports and promotes participatory arts practices through culture, informal education, based on citizen participation.
Carlo Colla § Figli
La Compagnia Marionettistica Carlo Colla & Figli/Associazione Grupporiani, da duecento anni presenta i propri spettacoli in Italia e nel mondo e gestisce il Museo del Teatro di Figura di Milano MUTEF.
The Carlo Colla & Figli Marionette Company / Grupporiani Association has been presenting its shows in Italy and around the world for two hundred years and manages the MUTEF Museum of the Figure Theater in Milan.
C.A.S.A. Centro delle Arti della Scena e dell'Audiovisivo
C.A.S.A. Centro delle Arti della Scena e dell’Audiovisivo was born from the experience of a group of artists who have created, produced and organised international events since 2002, including five productions for Peter Brook in Naples.
Nasce dall’esperienza di un gruppo di artisti che dal 2002 ha creato, prodotto ed organizzato eventi internazionali quali “Peter Brook a Napoli”.
Created in 2018 in Rabat, Calypso36°21 is a Franco-Moroccan feminist collective founded by Zoé Le Voyer, Justine Daquin, Manon Bachelier et Sanaa Zaghoud. Since its creation the collective has developed a curating approach which is transdisciplinary, experimental and participative, allowing its members to act as commissioners but also as researchers, producers and authors of original creations within – a curatorial research program which was conceived and produced by the collective from 2019 to 2021. The collective is named after the geographical coordinates of Calypso Deep, the deepest point in the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated in the Ionian Sea, 62.6km South-West of Pylos in Greece. Calypso Deep is 5267 meters deep and its coordinates are 36°34′N 21°8′E.
Créé en 2018 à Rabat, Calyspo36°21 est un collectif féminin franco-marocain fondé par Zoé Le Voyer, Justine Daquin, Manon Bachelier et Sanaa Zaghoud. Depuis sa création, le collectif développe une approche curatoriale trans-disciplinaire, expérimentale et participative, permettant à ses membres d’agir comme commissaires, mais également comme chercheuses, productrices et auteures d’œuvres originales au sein d’, programme de recherche curatorial itinérant imaginé et produit par le collectif, de 2019 à 2021. Le collectif tient son nom des coordonnées de Calypso Deep, point le plus profond en mer Méditerranée, situé dans la fosse hellénique en mer Ionienne, à 62,6 km au sud-ouest de Pylos, en Grèce. La fosse Calypso (Calypso Deep) atteint jusqu’à 5 267 mètres de profondeur. Ses coordonnées complètes sont 36°34′N 21°8′E.
Centre de Ressources de Botanique Appliquée – CRBA
CRBA is a laboratory for ideas and applied research. From agriculture to horticulture, from the design to the rehabilitation of gardens, from the history to the current use of plants, this “heritage factory” is based on the sharing of human and documentary resources, both historical and contemporary.
Le CRBA est un laboratoire d’idées et de recherches appliquées. De l’agriculture à l’horticulture, de la conception à la réhabilitation de jardins, de l’histoire à l’utilisation actuelle des plantes, cette “fabrique du patrimoine” repose sur la mise à disposition de ressources à la fois documentaires et humaines qu’elles soient historiques ou contemporaines.
Chaire Mahmoud Darwich
Created in 2016, the purpose of La Chaire Mahmoud Darwich is to disseminate the work and thought of the Palestinian poet, who is considered as one of the greatest contemporary authors. The Chair wishes to promote the work of film-makers, directors, choreographers and writers from the Middle-East and Maghreb.
La Chaire Mahmoud Darwich perpétue l’œuvre et la pensée d’un poète palestinien majeur considéré comme l’un des plus grands auteurs arabes contemporains. Elle s’inscrit également comme une plateforme de promotion des cultures contemporaines du Maghreb et du Moyen Orient.
Château Coquelle
Le Château Coquelle est un centre culturel associatif situé à Dunkerque. Attaché aux valeurs de l’Education Populaire, le Château Coquelle développe des actions culturelles et artistiques, dans les domaines de la photographie, des arts du récit, de la danse et des pratiques culturelles et artistiques en amateur.
Chios Music School
Chios Music School
Chios Philharmonic Orchestra
The historic philharmonic orchestra of the Municipality of Chios.
Ιστορική φιλαρμονική ορχήστρα του Δήμου Χίου.
CMAD (Conservatoire de Musique et d'Art dramatique de Dunkerque)
The Dunkerque Center of Music and Dramatic Art offers a top-quality education accessible to all. It is open to amateur or professional-oriented practice. All ages are welcome in the Center to come and learn music or dramatic art.
Le Conservatoire de Musique et d’Art dramatique de Dunkerque propose au public un enseignement artistique de qualité et accessible à tous. En pratique amateur ou en orientation professionnelle, pour apprendre la musique ou s’initier au théâtre à tout âge.
Compagnie Une Forêt entre les murs / Veronika Boutinova
The theatre company ‘Compagnie Une Forêt entre les murs / Veronika Boutinova’ is a European and a grassroot company dedicated to contemporary and political theatre.
La compagnie “Compagnie Une Forêt entre les murs / Veronika Boutinova“, compagnie européenne et citoyenne est dévouée à la contemporanéité et au théâtre politique.
Compass Collective
United Kingdom
Compass Collective is a theatre company working with young people seeking sanctuary. We aim to strengthen communities, build resilience and help integration in the UK.
Conservatoire à rayonnement départemental Henri Dutilleux
Naples / Napoli
Counterpoints Arts
United Kingdom
Counterpoints Arts is a leading national and international organisation in the field of arts, pop culture, migration and cultural change.
Creative Folkestone
Folkestone, Kent
United Kingdom
Creative Folkestone is a visionary arts charity dedicated to transforming Folkestone through collective creative activity, making the town a better place to live, work, play and visit.
Curious School of Puppetry
United Kingdom
Curious School of Puppetry investigates and inspires puppetry performance in all its forms! We provide professional training for theatre-makers, and workshops for those wanting to explore puppetry.
Folkestone Fringe
United Kingdom
Folkestone Fringe curates art, architecture, sound, and performance in Folkestone. We produce a range of annual festivals for the town, with the intention of presenting high-quality work by local and visiting artists. We want our audiences to see, watch, hear, and learn new things. We want our work to connect people to each other and the place we live in. Our programmes are created with our collaborators and delivered by young people developing their future working in the arts.
Department of Cultural Affairs.
Direction des Affaires Culturelles.
Darağaç is a non-profit art collective located in Izmir Umurbey neighborhood and an open space where new communication strategies are experienced by artists and inhabitants.
Darağaç, İzmir Umurbey Mahallesi içinde kar amacı gütmeyen bir sanat kolektifi ve sanatçılar ile mahalleliler arasında yeni iletişim stratejilerinin deneyimlendiği bir açık alandır.
Deptford X
United Kingdom
Deptford X is a visual arts charity based in Deptford, South East London. We foster artistic talent and nurture community within the borough of Lewisham and beyond. We achieve this through a free annual festival in Deptford, artist studio provision and ongoing activity supporting artists and our local communities throughout the year. Founded in 1998, Deptford X is London’s longest-running visual arts festival. Each year we work with hundreds of artists to locate art at the centre of everyday life for all of the area’s communities and to engage large & diverse audiences.
Diala Brisly
Born in Kuwait in 1980 to Syrian parents, Diala Brisly grew up in Damascus. As a visual artist, she began her career as an animator for the Syrian channel Spacetoon. As a political artist, she opposes the political drift of her country and is known for her work in support of the women’s hunger strike in Adra prison, which led to the release of 23 prisoners. She has dedicated herself to children who are victims of war in Syria and elsewhere, carrying out artistic projects in refugee camps and alternative education centres since 2014. She fled to France in 2015, where she received a Nora scholarship.
Née au Koweït en 1980 de parents syriens, Diala Brisly grandit à Damas. Artiste visuelle, elle débute dans le dessin d’animation pour la chaîne syrienne Spacetoon. Artiste engagée, elle s’oppose à la dérive politique de son pays et s’illustre par une œuvre en soutien à la grève de la faim des femmes de la prison d’Adra, entraînant la libération de 23 détenues. Elle se consacre aux enfants victimes de la guerre en Syrie et ailleurs, menant depuis 2014 des projets artistiques dans les camps de réfugiés et centres d’éducation alternative. Elle se réfugie en France en 2015, où elle bénéficie d’une bourse Nora.
Dorian Demarcq
Recognised by UNESCO as masterpieces of humanity, the giants are part of the folklore and heritage of Northern France. Fascinated by these extraordinary beings and by what they represent, Dorian Demarcq perpetuates the traditions by bringing several giants to life each year. Very different from each other, they are all thought and created as rare and unique objects with a history and an identity assumed and claimed by those who will bring them out and make them walk proudly.
Reconnus par l’UNESCO comme chefs-d’oeuvre immatériels de l’Humanité, les géants font partie du folklore et du patrimoine du Nord de la France. Passionné par ces êtres hors normes et par ce qu’ils représentent, Dorian Demarcq perpétue les traditions en donnant vie chaque année à plusieurs géants. Très différents les uns des autres, ils sont tous pensés et créés comme des objets rares et uniques dotés d’une histoire et d’une identité assumée et revendiquée par ceux qui les sortiront et les feront déambuler fièrement.
Douzan Art and Culture
Douzan works to enable Syrians to practice and shape their contemporary cultural identity, through preserving cultural memory, providing spaces for interaction and capacity building, strengthening solidarity and cooperation.
Douzan, Suriyelilerin çağdaş kültürel kimliklerini kültürel hafızaları yoluyla şekillendirmeleri ve aralarındaki iş birliği ve dayanışmanın sürdürülmesi için, etkileşim alanları açarak kapasite geliştirme üzerine çalışıyor.
دوزان ثقافة وفن تعمل لتمكين السوريين من بناء هويتهم الثقافية المعاصرة، من خلال: حفظ الذاكرة الثقافية وتوفير الفضاءات للتفاعل وبناء القدرات وتعزيز التضامن والتعاون لبناء مستقبلنا الثقافي بين الموروث والمعاصر
Since 2006 the puppets have brought joy and inspiration to people around the world. Establishing new ways of storytelling, the puppets connect us to universal tales of togetherness.
Depuis 2006, les marionnettes DUNDU ont apporté joie et inspiration à des personnes du monde entier. En créant de nouvelles façons de raconter des histoires, les marionnettes nous relient à des contes universels de solidarité.
Bahar Nihal Ersözlü
Bahar Nihal Ersözlü is a published poet and a t’ai chi ch’uan teacher in the traditional yang style. She is currently involved in various communication projects.
Bahar Nihal Ersözlü yayınlanmış eserleri bulunan bir şair ve T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Taoist bir savunma sanatı, hareketli meditasyon) eğitmenidir. Halen çeşitli iletişim projelerine katkıda bulunuyor.
4 Ecluses
4Ecluses is a structure dedicated to modern music in Dunkerque. We propose rock’n’roll fevers, sensorial trips, playful electo, authentic music, ska punk heroes, sharp hip hop and unpredictable ovnis for all audiences. We believe that music is a strong mean for personal and collective empowerment. Whether this is done through a regular practice during workshops or through shared musical moments elbow to elbow during concerts. Located in an ancient powder keg on a small island characterized by its vegetation, this structure has been at the heart of the city for over 30 years as a center for artistic and social projects.
Structure dédiée aux musiques actuelles implantée à Dunkerque, Les 4Ecluses propose délires rock’n’roll, trips sensoriels, électro ludique, chanson authentique, ska punk heroes, hip hop pointu, ovnis imprévisibles à destination de tous les publics. On y est convaincu que les musiques sont vecteurs d’épanouissement individuel et collectif, que ce soit à travers la pratique lors d’ateliers ou bien lors de temps musicaux, partagés au coude à coude, dans la salle de concert. Située dans une ancienne poudrière sur un îlot de verdure, la structure s’inscrit au coeur de la cité depuis trente ans pour porter un projet artistique et citoyen.
Ali Kemal Ertem
Ali Kemal Ertem works as a curator in İzmir. He is an active member of the editorial team of Platform+ published by İzmir Culture Platform Initiative.
Ali Kemal Ertem İzmir’de küratör olarak çalışıyor. Ayrıca İzmir Kültür Platformu Girişimi’nin çıkardığı Platform+ yayınının da editör ekibinde aktif bir rol oynuyor.
Duygu Etikan
Duygu Etikan is a street dance choreographer and trainer. She started İstanbul Street Dance Carnival and initiated HipHop Ladies dance group.
Duygu Etikan, sokak dansları eğitmeni ve koreograf. İstanbul Sokak Dansları Karnavalını başlatan kişi ve aynı zamanda HipHop Ladies grubunun da kurucularından.
Ernst Reuter Initiative
The Ernst Reuter Initiative (ERI) promotes German-Turkish cooperation in art and culture, politics, media, business, education and science.
Ernst-Reuter-Girişimi (ERG) Almanya ile Türkiye arasındaki işbirliğini sanat ve kültür, politika ve medya, ekonomi, eğitim ve bilim alanlarında güçlendiriyor.E
Espace périphérique
A creative space dedicated to contemporary circus, public space and puppetry. Programme co-managed by La Villette and the city of Paris.
Lieu de création dédié aux formes contemporaines du cirque, de l’espace public et de la marionnette. Programme co-géré par la Villette et la ville de Paris.
Fondazione Campania dei Festival
Set up in 2007 to organise Campania Teatro Festival, Fondazione Campania dei Festival is a wide-ranging cultural institution which produces, promotes and administrates a complex system of theatrical, educational and social projects.
Nata nel 2007 per organizzare il Campania Teatro Festival, la Fondazione Campania dei Festival è oggi un’istituzione in-house della Regione Campania che produce, promuove e organizza numerosi progetti culturali, formativi e sociali.
Fun Palaces
United Kingdom
Fun Palaces supports communities across the UK and beyond to co-create their own local cultural events, sharing skills to create tiny revolutions of connection.
Futurecity Ltd.
United Kingdom
Futurecity is a global cultural placemaking agency that creates cultural strategies, brokers cultural partnerships and delivers major arts projects for clients across the public and private sectors.
Gallery A Contemporary Art Centre
Gallery A is a culture and contemporary art gallery that aims to create awareness spaces through art. It carries out its works with an innovative vision in many fields of contemporary art.
Galeri A Sanat aracılığıyla farkındalık alanları oluşturmayı hedefleyen, kültür ve güncel sanat galerisidir. Güncel sanatın birçok alanında yenilikçi vizyonla çalışmalarını yürütür.
Gate of Sun
Gate of Sun endeavors to bring people together through cinema and theatre. They offer workshops and training to local youth in theatre production, media, and acting.
Güneşin Kapısı, sinema ve tiyatro aracılığı ile insanları biraraya getirmeye gayret eder. Kentteki gençlik için tiyatro üretimi, medya ve oyunculuk üzerine eğitimler ve atölyeler düzenliyorlar.
The Goethe-Institut promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation with local partners.
Goethe-Institut Almancanın yurtdışında öğrenilmesini teşvik ediyor ve yerel partnerlerle uluslararası kültürel işbirliği çalışmalarına katkıda bulunuyor.
Fatih Gençkal
Fatih Gençkal works as an artist and a curator in the field of performance. His work incorporates elements of choreography, text, video and biographical materials.
Fatih Gençkal, performans alanında sanatçı ve küratör olarak çalışıyor. İşleri koreografi, metin, video ve biyografik materyaller gibi bileşenleri kapsıyor.
Générik Vapeur
Générik Vapeur – Trafic d’Acteurs et d’Engins is a musical street theatre company, created in 1983 by Caty Avram (rock singer) and Pierre Berthelot (gear actor). In 2017, they received the SACD “Street Arts” Prize.
Geniş Açı Proje Ofisi
GAPO is an organizational and curatorial team working in coordination with both national and international art institutions to organize exhibitions, workshops and educational programmes.
GAPO, ulusal ve uluslararası sanat kurumları ile koordineli bir şekilde sergiler, atölyeler ve eğitim programları düzenlemek üzere çalışan organizasyonel ve küratöryel bir ekiptir.
The Goethe-Institut promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation with local partners.
Goethe-Institut Almancanın yurtdışında öğrenilmesini teşvik ediyor ve yerel partnerlerle uluslararası kültürel işbirliği çalışmalarına katkıda bulunuyor.
Good Chance France
Good Chance France collaborates with local and international artists, arts organisations and NGOs to deliver workshops for refugees and migrants living in and around Paris.
GRRRANIT Scène nationale de Belfort
GRRRANIT scène nationale de Belfort curates transdisciplinary, intergenerational and digital events within the visual and performing arts, including theatre, dance, circus, music, comedy and debates.
La Scène nationale GRRRANIT de Belfort propose une programmation transdisciplinaire, intergénérationnelle et numérique en arts visuels et spectacle vivant: théâtre, danse, cirque, musique, humour, réflexion.
Ground Control
Ground Control is a cultural, independent and socially active place where people meet, where ideas are exchanged and where new solutions can appear.
Culture, the planet, solidarity and the actors of change are the main subjects of the experimentation and expression of Ground Control .They are approached in a variety of ways, with various guests, artists, researchers, entrepreneurs, etc., who are able to help us move forward together.
Ground Control est un lieu de vie culturel, indépendant et engagé
Situé à proximité de la gare de Lyon, dans une ancienne halle de tri postal appartenant à la SNCF, c’est un espace de 4000m² où les gens se rencontrent, où les idées se brassent, où les solutions nouvelles peuvent apparaître.
Lieu d’expérimentation et d’expression, la culture, la planète, la solidarité, les acteurs du changement en sont les sujets privilégiés. Nous les abordons de multiples façons avec des invités variés, artistes, chercheurs, entrepreuneurs, … à même de nous faire avancer, ensemble.
Guillaume Laurent, cie des Mangeurs des cercles
The Compagnie des Mangeurs de Cercle has been working since 2008 on the creation of street shows.
La Compagnie des Mangeurs de Cercle travaille depuis 2008 à la création de spectacles de rue. Notre vision de la création de spectacle vivant en espace public s’est affinée et affirmée depuis nos débuts. Nous n’avons jamais fait de « spectacle d’extérieur» s’inscrivant dans une démarche de facilité commerciale mais toujours des spectacles déambulatoires, qui, au fur et à mesure du temps, contextualisent de plus en plus l’espace public et le propos, dans l’idée de nous diriger vers l’excellence artistique.
United Kingdom
Handlebards are cycling actors who carry all of their set, props and costumes on the back of their bikes, performing Shakespeare plays all across the UK.
Handspring Puppet Company
Cape Town
South Africa
Handspring Puppet Company‘s work has been presented in more than 30 countries around the world, spanning four decades of creating theatre for adults and children. The run-away hit play War Horse, produced by the National Theatre in London, has established Handspring as one of the most important puppet companies in the world.
Happy City Lab
Happy City Lab is a laboratory created to explore urban space. They use cities as canvas to create situations and events which create powerful and participative experiences. They invite individuals to be in the present moment and to step away from their routine. Social interaction is at the heart of Happy City Lab projects; THEY transform the urban environment as to invite each and everyone one to look differently at what surrounds them. The projects developed within Happy City Lab are artistic actions accessible to all which bring joy and strong emotions. They are simple and innovative events which allow for extraordinary collective experiences, inviting everyone to invest the public space.
Happy City Lab est un laboratoire d’exploration de l’espace urbain qui utilise la ville comme un canevas pour créer des situations et des événements qui génèrent des expériences puissantes et participatives, qui invitent l’individu à investir le moment présent et se sortir de sa routine. Happy City Lab place l’interaction sociale au cœur de ses projets, transformant l’environnement urbain afin d’amener chaque personne à porter un nouveau regard sur ce qui l’entoure. Les projets développés au sein d’Happy City Lab sont des actions artistiques accessibles à tous, porteurs de joie et d’émotions fortes. Événements simples et innovants, ils permettent de vivre des expériences collectives extraordinaires, invitant chacun à investir l’espace public.
Hetpaleis is a theatre for children, young people and performing artists in the heart of Antwerp, Belgium. It is the largest theatre for young audiences in Benelux. Across two venues and different rehearsal spaces, Hetpaleis produces, creates and presents high quality theatre for all ages. In (and beyond) the workshop spaces, it runs a broad range of workshops for schools and families.
HOLBA: Heart of London Business Alliance
United Kingdom
For eighteen years, Heart of London Business Alliance has been the catalyst for positive change in London’s West End.
Istituto degli Innocenti
The “Istituto degli Innocenti” in Florence has been working for six centuries to support the family and the child. Is the oldest Italian public institution dedicated to welcoming children, and their education and protection.
L’Istituto degli Innocenti di Firenze è da sei secoli impegnato in difesa dei diritti dei bambini. E’ la più antica istituzione pubblica italiana dedicata all’accoglienza, all’educazione e alla tutela dei più piccoli.
I am Lewisham
United Kingdom
We are Lewisham London Borough of Culture 2022. we are cultural activists and we believe in the power of art and culture. Culture changes lives, and so will we. London Borough of Culture is part of London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan’s plans to support the arts in London. The competition sees London’s 32 boroughs bid for more than £1m of funding to stage a programme of cultural events and initiatives.
Intermedia 86 di Cinzia de Curtis
Intermedia 86 di Cinzie de Curtis has represented the most prestigious talents in theatre, TV and Italian and foreign cinema, since 1986.
Intermedia 86 di Cinzia de Curtis rappresenta da 35 anni i talenti più prestigiosi del teatro, della televisione e del cinema italiano e straniero.
Cansu Pelin İşbilen
Cansu Pelin İşbilen is a an artist working on participatory art. She develops social projects where people can share their experience and learn from each other.
Cansu Pelin İşbilen katılımcı sanat alanında çalışan bir sanatçı. İnsanların tecrübelerini paylaştığı ve birbirinden öğrendiği sosyal projeler geliştiriyor.
Julie's Bicycle
United Kingdom
Protecting and restoring our planet needs creativity and culture, Julie’s Bicycle collaborates internationally to generate the knowledge and networks that are transforming how, and why, culture works.
Juliette Rizzi
Juliette Rizzi is an art historian and independent curator living in Paris. She has worked for over 10 years in cultural institutions (Tate Modern) and private galleries (Lisson Gallery, London and ZERO…, Milan). Her current research focuses on social impact and territorial issues related to public art projects.
Juliette Rizzi est historienne de l’art et commissaire d’exposition indépendante qui vit à Paris. Elle a travaillé pendant plus de 10 ans dans des institutions culturelles (Tate Modern) et galleries privées (Lisson Gallery, Londres et ZERO…, Milan). Actuellement, ses recherches visent à approfondir l’impact social et les enjeux territoriaux liés à des projets d’art public.
K2 Urla Nefes Alanı
K2 Urla Breathing Zone is established as an ecologic arts campus in Urla by K2 Contemporary Arts Center. Qualified farming practices are held next to the artist-in-residence programs.
K2 Urla Nefes Alanı – K2UNA, K2 Güncel Sanat Merkezi tarafından 45 dönümlük arazide oluşturulan ekolojik bir sanatçı yerleşkesi projesidir. Nitelikli tarım ile konuk sanatçı programı uygulamaları bir arada gerçekleştirilir.
Nadine Kaadan
United Kingdom
Nadine Kaadan is an award-winning children’s book author and illustrator from Syria now living in London. She is published in several countries and languages and her mission is to champion empowered and inclusive representation in children’s books so that every child can see themselves in a story.
Nadine’s work with young refugees in mitigating post-conflict trauma has captured the attention of CNN and the BBC, both of which have broadcast special features on her books ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘The Jasmine Sneeze’. She has been nominated for a Kate Greenaway Medal, and is the 2019 winner of the Arab British Centre Award for Culture. Nadine was selected as one of The BBC 100 Women 2020’s ‘most influential and inspiring women’, and was featured on their BBC 100 Women masterclass.
Karantina, established by three independent intitiatives “Internal Memory, 6x6x6 and A Room on Its Own”, realises activities on social and cultural memory of İzmir.
İzmirli üç bağımsız inisiyatif; Dâhili Bellek, 6x6x6 ve Kendine Ait Bir Oda tarafından hayata geçirilen Karantina, kentin toplumsal ve kültürel belleğine dair etkinlikler gerçekleştiriyor.
Samar Haddad King
Palestine and United States
Samar Haddad King is a choreographer and artistic director of Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre a dance-theatre company based between Palestine and New York City.
Kırkayak Kültür
Kırkayak Kültür aims to extend cultural-artistic events of Gaziantep to Anatolia. They believe that a culture of living together will develop through art-sharing and awareness-raising and thus prejudices can disappear.
Kırkayak Kültür, Gaziantep’te sanatın paylaşılması ve farkındalığın geliştirilmesi ile birlikte, yaşam kültürünün gelişeceğine ve önyargıların kalkabileceğine inanarak Anadolu kentlerinde kültür sanat etkinliklerini yaymayı amaçlıyor.
Koròs Danze del Sud
With its garden of sculptures, water, stone and wind, the LAAC, Place of Contemporary Art and Action, works for the encounter between its public and art through a programme of exhibitions and events designed for everyone.
Avec son jardin de sculptures, d’eau, de pierre et de vent, le LAAC, Lieu d’Art et Action Contemporaine, œuvre
pour la rencontre du public et de l’art au gré d’un programme d’expositions et d’événements pensés pour
La Baracca Testoni Ragazzi
Founded in 1976, La Baracca has been working in the field of theatre for young audiences for the past 45 years, producing and programming shows for families and schools.
Nata nel 1976, la compagnia La Baracca opera da più di 40 anni nel Teatro Ragazzi con un’attività di produzione e di programmazione dedicata alle famiglie e alle scuole.
La Cité des arts de la rue
The Cité des arts de la rue is a place of creation and of experimentation. It is constituted of 36,000m2 of space where shows dedicated to the public space are built, lived and tried out. This immense scenic laboratory hosts dozens of structures. It brings together skills and knowledge around street arts: artistic creation, training, scenographic construction, distribution, cultural action and mediation.
La Cité des arts de la rue est un lieu de création et d’expérimentation :36 000m2 d’espaces de travail où se construisent et s’éprouvent des spectacles dédiés à l’espace public.Cet immense laboratoire scénique accueille une dizaine de structures et rassemble une chaîne de compétences et de savoir-faire autour des arts de la rue : création artistique, formation, construction scénographique, diffusion, action culturelle et médiation.
L'Altra Napoli Onlus
La Maison des Journalistes
The Maison des journalistes (MDJ) welcomes and guides media professionals exiled in France.
La Maison des journalistes (MDJ) est une association unique au monde qui accueille et accompagne des professionnels des médias exilés en France.
La MaMa E.T.C
New York
United States
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club is a creative home to artists and audiences from around the world, and a dynamic hub for risk-taking new performance.
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club è un luogo creativo ed un fulcro dinamico per nuove performances d’avanguardia, dedicato agli artisti e ad un pubblico internazionale.
Le Channel
Le Channel is the national stage of Calais which promotes and diffuses the creation of shows and artistic, festive and popular events.
Le Channel, scène nationale de Calais, c’est la diffusion et la création de spectacles et de manifestations artistiques, festive et populaire.
Le monde en têtes
Le monde en têtes writing workshops are the result of a meeting between Kodiko and the Éditions du Portrait. Together, they combine their skills: Kodiko accompanies refugees in their professional careers by connecting them with employers and Éditions du Portrait works and promotes language and the power of the imagination.
Les ateliers d’écriture naissent de la rencontre entre l’association Kodiko et les Éditions du Portrait. Ces deux structures associent leurs compétences : Kodiko accompagne les personnes réfugiées dans leurs parcours professionnels en les mettant notamment en lien avec des salariés de grandes entreprises et les Éditions du Portrait travaillent la langue et mettent en avant la force de l’imaginaire.
Le Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la marionnette
The Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la Marionnette is a place entirely dedicated to the promotion of contemporary puppetry.
Au cœur du 5e arrondissement, le Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la marionnette est un lieu entièrement dédié à la promotion de la marionnette contemporaine.
Le Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève
The Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève is one of the rare European theaters to exclusively dedicate itself to puppetry. A place bursting with creation, experimentation and transmission, through its intergenerational programming and workshops for amateurs and professionals it aims to promote, support and transmit the art of puppetry in all its diversity.
Le Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève est l’un des rares théâtres européens exclusivement dédiés à la marionnette. Lieu foisonnant de création, d’expérimentation et de transmission, il œuvre – à travers sa programmation résolument intergénérationnelle et ses stages à destination des amateur.trice.s et professionnel.le.s – à promouvoir, soutenir et transmettre les arts de la marionnette dans toute leur diversité.
Le Théâtre de Marionnettes de Belfort
Le théâtre de Marionnettes was established in Belfort in 1996. It is one of the very few permanent puppet theatres in France. A program has been developed for children and adults. About a hundred performances per year are given by about twenty companies.
Le théâtre de Marionnettes est installé à Belfort depuis 1996. C’est l’un des très rares théâtres permanents de marionnettes en France. Une programmation a été mise en place en direction des enfants et des adultes. Une centaine de représentations par an sont données par une vingtaine de compagnies.
Le Théâtre la Licorne
Le Théâtre la Licorne est une compagnie professionnelle créée et dirigée par Claire Dancoisne, qui a une expérience de plus de 30 ans dans les arts de la marionnette et le théâtre d’objets. En 2015, la compagnie ouvre à Dunkerque un lieu de création, un outil à partager avec des artistes pour lesquels l’objet et la marionnette sont essentiels ; mais aussi avec les habitant(e)s pour de grands évènementiels, des expositions, des formations, etc.
Delphine Leccas / AIN
France and Greece
Based in Damascus until 2011, Delphine Leccas is the co-founder of AIN and the curator of multidisciplinary events focussing on artists from the Arab world.
Rachel Leonard
United Kingdom
Rachel Leonard is passionate about puppetry’s ability to free imagination and evoke an audience’s deeply personal connection to a story, through their own empathetic interpretation of the puppet’s actions.
Les Couleurs du Pont de Flandre
The association Les Couleurs de Pont de Flandre was created in September 2015. Its aim is to bring back liveliness in a neighbourhood that was looking grey and sad.
The inhabitants want to express a more cheerful image of their neighbourhood, reflecting its beautiful diversity, through Street Art actions and events.
L’association Les Couleurs de Pont de Flandre a été créée en septembre 2015 dans le but de redonner vie à un quartier qui offrait un visage gris et triste.
Les habitants souhaitent redonner une image plus gaie réflétant la belle diversité de leur quartier, à travers des actions de Street Art et des événements.
Les Grande Personnes
Les Grandes Personnes (“the tall people”) was born in 1998. Its vocation is to bring sculpture to the public, and its creations are a fusion of visual and performance art.
Les Grandes Personnes sont nées en 1998. Elles ont pour vocation d’emmener la sculpture à la rencontre du public et leurs créations fusionnent l’art plastique et l’expression théâtrale.
Les Nuits de Fourvière
Lieux publics
Lieux publics was the first institution to been awarded the label Centre National des Arts de la Rue et de l’Espace Public (CNAREP). The Minister of Culture has also designated it as a European pole of Production. The centre first of all is a place of creation and production. It is a shelter for artists and companies who work around the city Marseille as the place, the object and the subject of their creations. It is located in the heart of the Cité des arts de la rue in Marseille. Since 2003, Lieux publics has been piloting IN SITU, a European network bringing together 19 partners in 12 countries who provide co-productions and cross-programming, nomadic European residencies, seminars and reflection, identification and actions on a European scale. Lieux publics also provides artistic direction for large-scale projects and responds to partner commissions. The structure is directed by the artist Pierre Sauvageot, a composer and inventor of artistic objects for public space, they have been touring throughout Europe.
Historiquement premier de son genre en France. Lieux publics est labellisé Centre National des Arts de la Rue et de l’Espace Public (CNAREP) et Pôle européen de production par le Ministère de la Culture. Le centre est avant tout un lieu de création et de production, un abri pour les artistes et compagnies qui font de la ville le lieu, l’objet et le sujet de leurs créations, installé au coeur de la Cité des arts de la rue à Marseille. Depuis 2003, Lieux publics pilote IN SITU, réseau européen réunissant 19 partenaires répartis dans 12 pays qui assurent coproductions et programmations croisées, résidences nomades européennes, séminaires et réflexion, repérage et actions à l’échelle de notre continent Lieux publics assure également la direction artistique de projets d’envergure et la réponse à des commandes de partenaires. La structure est dirigée par un artiste , Pierre Sauvageot, compositeur et inventeur d’objets artistiques pour l’espace public, un répertoire qui tourne dans toute l’Europe.
Loup Blaster
Loup Blaster is a multi-faceted audiovisual artist from Calais.
In order to tell the story of Calais in a personal way, she draws and uses photography to document the squats, the jungles and her encounters with refugees.
Loup Blaster est une artiste audiovisuelle multi-facettes originaire de Calais.
Afin de raconter Calais à sa manière, Loup Blaster dessine et documente par la photo et le dessin les squats, les jungles et ses rencontres avec les exilés.
Maison Sésame
Maison Sésame is a collective working in Northern France, mostly around the area of Dunkirk. We are wanting to experiment with new ways of working at the English-French border, where displacement is perpetuated. In this alarming context, Sesame House wants to be a citizens’ initiative of hospitality – a multidisciplinary approach, that is open to all.
L’association Maison Sésame est une expérimentation collective qui vise à créer un lieu hospitalier pour des personnes exilées présents sur le territoire frontalier du nord de la France.
Maryam Samaan
Born in 1984 in Damascus, Syria, Maryam Samaan is a visual artist, stage designer and puppeteer. She graduated from the Fine Arts School of Damascus in painting and from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art of Damascus in stage design. In 2009, she came to France to pursue her studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris 3 in theatre studies and at the European School of Art of Brittany (EESAB) in Rennes in design. She was granted asylum and left to work for three years in Lebanon (2016-2019) in refugee camps with and for children (puppet shows, workshops and drawing exhibitions).
Née en 1984 à Damas en Syrie, Maryam Samaan est une artiste plasticienne, scénographe et marionnettiste. Diplômée des Beaux-arts de Damas en peinture, de l’Institut supérieur d’art dramatique de Damas en scénographie, elle vient en France en 2009 poursuivre ses études à l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 en études théâtrales et à L’école européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne (EESAB) à Rennes en design. Elle obtient l’asile et part travailler trois ans au Liban (2016-2019) dans les camps de réfugiés avec et pour les enfants (spectacles de marionnettes, workshops et expositions de dessins).
MaTeMù is the Youth Center and Art School of the Municipality of Rome I, created and managed by CIES Onlus since 2010. It is an incredible crossroads of ideas and possible futures.
MaTeMù è il Centro Giovani e Scuola d’Arte del Municipio Roma I, creato e gestito dal CIES Onlus dal 2010. È un incredibile incrocio di idee e futuri possibili.
Maquis Projects is a cultural space in Izmir offering residencies to artists, curators and art groups, and also an exhibition space for related exhibitions and events.
Maquis, İzmir’de sanatçılara, küratörlere ve sanatçı gruplarına konuk sanatçı uygulamaları olanağı tanıyan bir kültür mekanıdır. Sergiler ve bağlı etkinlikler için de mekân sağlar.
Mestiere Cinema
The cultural center of Seine-Saint-Denis in Bobigny – MC93 – is a national scene. It is also an important place of production for live theatre dance and music. Hortense Archambault, the director of the MC93, has created a programme that welcomes international writers and directors, as well as emerging French artists. On top of this mission, since 2015, the MC93 has put in place a consequent work of support for its spectators through ‘The Fabric of Experience’.
La Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis à Bobigny – MC93 – est une scène nationale dont la singularité est d’être également un lieu important de production du spectacle vivant (théâtre, danse, musique). Sous l’égide de sa directrice, Hortense Archambault, la programmation de la MC93 accueille des auteur(e)s et metteur(e)s en scène étrangers mais souhaite aussi accompagner des artistes français passant « de l’émergence à la confirmation de leur talent ». En complément de cette mission, la MC93 a mis en place depuis la rentrée 2015 un important travail d’accompagnement des spectateurs·trices, à travers la « Fabrique d’expériences », dont l’ambition est de penser avec les publics aux formes mais aussi aux espaces possibles de leur rencontre avec le théâtre.
Migration Museum
United Kingdom
The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has made us who we are – as individuals and as a nation.
Batool Mohammed AKA OM.EL BEAT
OM.EL BEAT is Batool Mohammed, an electronic artist using sound to transmit experiences drawing on trip-hop, deep house, and chords of nostalgia found in the ambient sounds of life.
In Marseille, the Mucem asserts itself as the great museum dedicated to the Mediterranean. The singularity of Mucem is to retrace, analyze and illuminate, in the same momentum and the same place, the ancient foundations of this basin of civilization, and the tensions which cross it until the contemporary era. To be a place of exchange around Mediterranean issues.
Among the first Palestinians to perform and promote hip-hop, notably as co-founder of the Ramallah Underground collective, Muqata’a is an institution in the Palestinian territories. Creativity in the face of adversity: the mantra is well known, very well represented in the Boiler Room documentary Palestine Underground. By distorting the beats, smashing the rhythms, glitching the melodies, Muqata’a transcends the limits of genre in lives that are both danceable and abstract and avoidins the pitfalls of orientalization.
Parmi les premiers Palestiniens à jouer et promouvoir le hip-hop, notamment comme co-cofondateur du collectif Ramallah Underground, Muqata’a est une institution en territoires palestiniens. Créativité face à l’adversité : le mantra est connu, parfaitement représenté dans le documentaire de Boiler Room Palestine Underground. En distordant les beats, fracassant les rythmes, glitchant les mélodies, Muqata’a transcende les limites du genre dans des lives dansants et abstraits à la fois, évitant les pièges de l’orientalisation.
Musée d’Art Contemporain
Located in front the Parc de la Tête d’Or in the Cité Internationale, the Museum of Contemporary Art was designed by Renzo Piano and inaugurated in 1995. Thanks to its entirely modular interior, a new museum is inaugurated for each exhibition, with new works and a completely new space. Every two years, the museum hosts the Biennial of Contemporary Art.
Situé en face du parc de la Tête d’Or à la Cité Internationale, le musée d’Art Contemporain a été conçu par Renzo Piano et inauguré en 1995.râce à un volume intérieur entièrement modulable, un musée nouveau est inauguré à chaque exposition, avec des œuvres inédites et un espace intégralement renouvelé. Tous les 2 ans, le Mac Lyon accueille la Biennale d’Art Contemporain.
Musée d’Histoire de Marseille Musée d’Histoire de Marseille Musée d’Histoire de Marseille
The Marseille History Museum is a museum dedicated to the history of the city of Marseille.
Musée des Arts de la marionnette (MAM)
The MAM takes helps children and adults the secrets behind the art of puppetry. Where does puppetry comes from? What is its purpose? With more than 300 puppets from a variety of different countries ranging from the 15th century to today. And of course, a significant role is given to the character Guignol, founded in Lyon in 1808.
Entre découverte et manipulation, le MAM invite petits et grands à un beau voyage autour des secrets des arts de la marionnette : d’où vient la marionnette ? À quoi sert-elle ? Comment l’illusion opère ? Avec plus de 300 marionnettes de très nombreux pays datant du 15e au 21e siècle, ainsi que des décors, costumes, accessoires, affiches et photographies, le MAM raconte les origines de cet art vivant et nous en dévoile les coulisses. Et bien-sûr, une place importante est laissée au personnage de Guignol, créé à Lyon en 1808.
National Youth Dance Company
United Kingdom
National Youth Dance Company aims to create and perform innovative and influential dance, bringing together some of the brightest dance talent from across England to work with Sadler’s Wells’ internationally renowned Associate Artists and visiting companies.
Nefes Kültür Sanat Derneği / Nefes For Art And Culture
Nefes aims to support the creativity of children and youth in Gaziantep. They also contribute to the cultural reconstruction of communities suffered from war and conflicts through cultural dialogue.
Nefes, Gaziantep’teki çocukların ve gençlerin yaratıcılıklarını destekliyor. Savaş ve çatışmadan zarar görmüş toplulukların, kültürel diyalog ile kendilerini ifade ederek kültürlerinin yeniden inşasına katkıda bulunmak üzere çalışıyor.
NomadMind is a group of creative minds, come together to organise innovative projects. Architecture, design, sociology and interactivity are the main fields of focus.
NomadMind, yenilikçi projeler organize etmek için biraraya gelen yaratıcı zihinlerden oluşan bir grup. Mimarlık, tasarım, sosyoloji ve etkileşim odaklandıkları temel alanlar.
Nuovo Teatro Sanità
Nuovo Teatro Sanità (NtS’) originated in 2013 in Naples in the Rione Sanità, by the will of a group of theater professionals and the young people of neighborhood, led by artistic director Mario Gelardi who gathered around him a real community.
Il Nuovo Teatro Sanità (ntS’) nasce nel 2013 a Napoli nel Rione Sanità, per volontà di un gruppo di professionisti del teatro e di alcuni giovani del quartiere, guidati dal direttore artistico Mario Gelardi che ha raccolto attorno a sé una vera e propria comunità.
Starting in 2021, the Odyssey, in Paris and its surroundings, will set every year a Water Village, launch nautical races and bring together work, transport, leisure and pleasure boats on the water for an unforgettable floating carnival. The Odyssey is above all a fantastic collective adventure that sets up its urban shipyards in the four corners of the city.
Chaque année à partir de 2021, au pied de la BNF mais aussi à Grenelle, à Saint Denis, sur la Seine et sur les canaux, l’Odyssée installe son Village de l’Eau, lance des courses nautiques et réunit sur l’eau, bateaux de travail, de transport, de loisirs et de plaisance pour un inoubliable carnaval flottant. Mais l’Odyssée, c’est avant tout, une fantastique aventure collective qui installe aux quatre coins de la métropole, ses chantiers navals urbains.
Odyssée du Cirque
One Hand Puppet
One Hand Puppet is a puppetry school in Shatila Camp, Lebanon, where young refugees develop creative skills.
Orpheus XXI
Orpheus XXI is an artistic and educational project for the integration of young refugees and migrants, lead by Jordi Savall.
Orpheus XXI est un projet interculturel d’action pédagogique et créative, en faveur des jeunes réfugiés et immigrants, conçu par Jordi Savall.Pe
Palazzo Reale
Perivoli is the only mansion in the Kampos area that is open to the public, allowing visitors to travel in time and experience some of the location’s old-school glamour.
Το μόνο αρχοντικό στον Κάμπο που είναι ανοιχτό στο κοινό. Στον χώρο ο επισκέπτης μπορεί να ταξιδέψει στον χρόνο και να νιώσει λίγη από την αίγλη του Κάμπου.
Petit Bain
Petit bain is a floating cultural facility.
Moored at the foot of the François Mitterrand Library in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, this atypical space includes a concert hall, a canteen, a terrace and a hanging garden.
Petit bain est un équipement culturel flottant.
Amarré au pied de la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris, cet espace atypique regroupe une salle de concert, une cantine, une terrasse et un jardin suspendu.
Photometria Festival
Photometria Festival is organized by the non-profit organization “Entefxis.” Organized for the 13th year in the city of Ioannina, it is the first interactive Photography Festival in which everyone who loves the art of photography can participate and vote.
Το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Φωτογραφίας Photometria διοργανώνεται από τη μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση “Έντευξις”. Διοργανώνεται για 13η χρονιά στην πόλη των Ιωαννίνων, και είναι το πρώτο διαδραστικό φεστιβάλ φωτογραφίας στο οποίο μπορούν να συμμετέχουν όλοι όσοι αγαπούν την τέχνη της φωτογραφίας.
Project Everyone
Project Everyone seeks to put the power of great communications behind the Global Goals to end extreme poverty and inequalities and tackle climate change.
Project Play
Project Play is a grassroots organisation set up in 2018 to provide displaced children across Northern France with safe spaces and psychosocial support through play.
Project Play est une association qui défend l’accès universel au jeux pour les enfants. Depuis août 2018, ses volontaires interviennent dans les campements et les centres d’hébergements du nord de la France pour organiser des activités ludiques et culturelles dédiées aux mineurs qui subissent la précarité de l’exil et des migrations.
Putéca Celidònia
Established in 2006, Quaternaire is a creative producing and international booking agency and is widely acclaimed for its contemporary, innovative cross-art form productions.
United Kingdom
Refugee Food
A citizen initiative, Refugee Food is a culinary and solidarity project with the mission of EVOLVING the way people see refugees, thanks to the universal power of cuisine; ACCELERATING the professional integration of refugees in the restaurant industry; and GATHERING civil society around the table, and let them discover flavors from elsewhere.
Initiative citoyenne, le Refugee Food est un projet culinaire et solidaire ayant pour mission de FAIRE ÉVOLUER les regards sur les personnes réfugiées, grâce au pouvoir universel de la cuisine, d’ACCÉLÉRER l’insertion professionnelle des personnes réfugiées dans la restauration et de RASSEMBLER la société civile autour de la table, en faisant découvrir des saveurs venues d’ailleurs.
Refugee Tales
United Kingdom
Refugee Tales shares the tales of people who have been indefinitely detained and those who work with them in three books published by Comma Press.
Remote Theater Project
United States
The Remote Theater Project commissions underrepresented theater artists from around the world to develop new work and amplify their voices outside the confines of their region.
Réseau des Balises
Network of the libraries in the Dunkerque region.
Réseau des bibliothèques de la région de Dunkerque.
Maryam Samaan
Maryam Samaan is an independent artist, scenographer, puppeteer and puppet maker, and a partner in co-founding One Hand Puppet theatre group.