Meet the grassroots and international humanitarian partners who have supported Amal’s remarkable journey since 2021.
Humanitarian Partners
Choose Love

Choose Love (originally Help Refugees) started as nothing more than a hashtag in August 2015. A group of friends wanted to raise and fill a van full of donations to take down to Calais. Fast forward five years and we now support over 120 projects across Europe, the Middle East and on the US-Mexico border. Our work has now reached over one million people.
ACNUR México


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, protects people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We save lives, protect rights and help build better futures.

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up.
Association Aurore

Association Aurore is an organisation that accompanies people in precarious situations, with a specific focus on accommodation, health care and social integration.
L’association Aurore accompagne des personnes en situation de précarité à travers l’hébergement, les soins et l’insertion.
Amnesty International France

As a global movement of over seven million people, Amnesty International is the world’s largest grassroots human rights organisation. We investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilise the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. The 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights form the foundation of what we do and drive all of our work.
Créé en 1961, Amnesty International est un mouvement mondial de plus de 7 millions de personnes qui se battent pour faire respecter, partout dans le monde, l’ensemble des droits inscrits dans la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme de 1948.

ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth is a Non Governmental Organization, specializing in the social support of youth that are in difficulty or danger and in the advocacy of their rights. The main target is the prevention of youth marginalisation, the elaboration of policies which defend youth rights and the active social support towards disadvantaged young people.

Atlas, inburgering & integratie Antwerpen is the first point of contact for newcomers and non-native speakers in Antwerp. Atlas also supports organisations in their language and diversity policy and promotes a realistic image of diversity.
Atlas est le premier point de contact pour les nouveaux arrivants et locuteurs non-natifs à Anvers. Atlas soutient aussi des associations dans leurs politiques de diversité et dans leur initiatives d’inclusion linguistique. Atlas cherche à promouvoir une image réaliste de la diversité.

ASB is a non-political and non-denominational charity and relief organisation. We help all people – regardless of their political, ethnic, national and religious affiliation. We provide rapid and direct help to all those in need of our support.
Boabab Experience

Baobab Experience is a composite community of migrants, activists, volunteers, donors and supporters which was born from the idea of freedom of movement, in the urge to claim the rights of those who, due to wars, terrorism, hunger, famine or human propensity for happiness, abandon their land to start a new life elsewhere.
Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld

Büze is a community centre that offers support and activities for everybody, and runs projects that aim at the active participation of different special needs groups (children, youth, elderly people, refugees, single parents, persons with disabilities…) Our integration project APPROACH connects locals with newcomers/refugees and self-organised migrant groups.
Büze est un centre communautaire qui propose un des activités pour tous, et gère des projets qui visent à la participation active de différents groupes aux besoins spécifiques (enfants, jeunes, personnes âgées, réfugiés, parents seuls, personnes handicapées…) Notre projet d’intégration APPROACH met en relation les habitants de Cologne avec les nouveaux arrivants/réfugiés et les groupes de migrants auto-organisés.

CARE International is a leading humanitarian organisation fighting global poverty, operating in over 100 countries.
Founded in 1945, we work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, inclusion and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.
We place special focus on women and girls, because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.
Centro Astalli

Centro Astalli is the Jesuit Refugee Service in Italy. For 40 years it has worked with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.
Il Centro Astalli, è la sede italiana del Servizi odei Gesuiti per i rifugiati. Da 40 anni lavora al fianco di richiedenti asilo e rifugiati con la missione di accompagnarli, servirli e difenderne i diritti.

CIES works to promote the participation of civil society in a dimension of global citizenship and to build sustainable development processes.
Il CIES opera per la promozione della partecipazione della società civile in una dimensione di cittadinanza globale e per costruire processi di sviluppo sostenibili
COMAR México

Comic Relief

Comic Relief raises money through the power of entertainment to support people living incredibly tough lives in the UK and around the world.
Common Ground

Common Ground streamline and accelerate joint action on social change to strengthen democracy, human rights, social justice, and environmental sustainability in Greece and beyond.

CRILUX is an organisation that supports asylum seekers in settling permanently in the province of Luxembourg, in collaboration with a network of partners and civil society.
CRILUX est une structure qui oriente et outille les personnes étrangères et d’origine étrangère, dans une démarche bienveillante, à s’établir durablement en province de Luxembourg et qui développe des projets avec le réseau de partenaires et la société d’accueil visant l’inclusion de ce public.
De Reuzen

De Reuzen (non-profit organization) brings the heritage of the little giants of Borgerhout to life and ensures the involvement of different generations and communities.
The non-profit organization works towards a society that brings people together and connects them, whereby dynamism, mutation and involvement arise.
De Reuzen fait découvrir l’héritage des petits géants de Borgerhout et assure l’implication des différente générations et communautés.
Cette association à but non lucratif oeuvre pour une société qui rassemble et relie les gens et d’où découle dynamisme, mutation et implication.

EMERGENCY provides free, high-quality healthcare to victims of war, poverty and landmines, and is committed to fostering a culture of peace. It has treated over 11 million patients since 1994.
Emmaüs Roya
Breil sur Roya

Since July 2019, the Emmaus Roya community located on the farm of Cedric Herrou welcomes six companions and lives on the sale of its agricultural products. This community is a place of unconditional welcome for an environmentally responsible and collective existence, as well as an opportunity to integrate into society by participating in ethical agricultural production activities.
Première communauté Emmaüs exclusivement agricole de France depuis l’été 2019, Emmaüs Roya est un des fruits des combats menés par Cédric Herrou et ses proches pour la défense et le respect des droits humains et des étrangers à la frontière franco-italienne. Cette communauté propose un lieu d’accueil inconditionnel pour une vie collective et écoresponsable, une possibilité d’insertion sociale en participant à des activités de productions agricoles éthiques.
Folkowisko Foundation

The goal of the Foundation is to organize and provide educational and cultural, development, charitable and humanitarian, charitable and socially useful aid, as well as to counteract social exclusion.
Fondazione Pangea
Milan / Milano

Fondazione Pangea is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organisation to promote and develop human rights and the economic, social and cultural empowerment of people, starting with women and their children.
Organizzazione indipendente, senza scopo di lucro e apartitica per promuovere e sviluppare i diritti umani e l’emancipazione economica, sociale e culturale delle persone, a partire dalle donne e dai loro figli
Fondazione San Gennaro

Future Foundry
United Kingdom

Future Foundry was set up in response to the difficulties facing young people leaving school today, to help them successfully transition from school to work and to address the barriers to entry facing young people who want a career in the creative industries.
Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group

GDWG provides emotional and practical support to people held in indefinite immigration detention at Gatwick through the befriending work of seventy volunteer visitors.
Habibi Works

Habibi Works is an intercultural maker space and platform for education, empowerment and encounters for refugees and Greek locals in the North of Greece.
Hand in Hand for Aid & Development

HIHFAD is a British foundation that has been responding to humanitarian needs inside Syria since 2011, with a special focus on women, children and persons with disabilities.
Hope and Aid Direct

Hope and Aid Direct is a humanitarian aid charity operating since the Balkans war in the late 1990’s. Since 2016 our focus has been the refugee crisis in Europe where we have worked in multiple countries proving aid either directly to refugees or to partner organisations that have direct access to the refugees and refugee camps. At Hope and Aid Direct ‘We take aid, not sides’.
Humanity Crew

Humanity Crew is an international aid organisation specialising in the provision of first response mental health interventions to refugees and people in crises.
ICPT Physics without frontiers

ICTP Physics Without Frontiers works to motivate, train, and educate physics and mathematics university students worldwide, with focus on science and technology lagging countries, to help build the next generation of scientists. Each project is unique, developed with the country’s specific needs in mind.
ICTP ‘Physics without Frontiers’ vise à motiver, à former et à éduquer les étudiants universitaires en physique et en mathématiques du monde entier, en mettant l’accent sur les pays en développement sur le plan scientifique et technologique, afin de contribuer à la formation de la prochaine génération de scientifiques. Chaque projet est unique, élaboré en tenant compte des besoins spécifiques du pays concerné.
Il Cerchio

Cooperativa che gestisce servizi rivolti alle persone svantaggiate con bisogni di un supporto quotidiano per il benessere, una sezione è dedicata ai servizi per l’immigrazione.
Il Cerchio is a cooperative that runs services aimed at disadvantaged people with the need for daily support for well-being, a section is dedicated to immigration services.
International Organization for Migration (ΙΟΜ)

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As the leading international organization for migration, IOM acts with its partners in the international community to assist in meeting the growing operational
International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping people to survive, recover and reclaim control of their future.
IRAP (International Refugee Assistant Project)

Islamic Relief USA

Jardin de Caucagne des Hauts de Flandre

Le Jardin de Cocagne des Hauts de Flandre est un chantier d’insertion favorisant la reprise d’activités des publics en difficultés (allocataires des minimas sociaux, demandeurs d’emploi longue durée, jeunes sans qualification…). Le maraichage permet d’oeuvrer pour une alimentation plus durable mais est surtout un véritable support pour l’insertion professionnelle de nos salariés.
Le Jardin de Cocagne des Hauts de Flandre is a social food project that supports the reintegration of vulnerable people in the workplace and society. The project is centered around food growing which enables them to produce a more sustainable food supply, but above all it is an effective way of helping the participants find work.
Karam Foundation

Karam is a foundation for the future of Syria. We invest in young Syrian refugees and their communities with a special focus on innovative education. Our goal is to build 10,000 Syrian leaders by 2028.

KETHEA EPIRUS was created in 2007 at the request of public bodies in the city of Ioannina. It currently provides a comprehensive network of therapeutic services for the treatment of dependence on drugs, alcohol, gambling and the Internet.
KRAN (Kent Refugee Action Network)
United Kingdom

KRAN was established in 2003 to support refugees and asylum seekers (RAS) in Kent. Over the past 15 years it has grown to develop a number of projects in response to the needs of young RAS.
Kinoniko EKAV

Kinoniko EKAV is a humanitarian organization based in Greece. It operates Accommodation Shelters and Accommodation Apartments (for semi-autonomous living) for Unaccompanied Minors (12-18 years old and 16-18 correspondingly), within the framework of “Nefeli” and “Iason” projects.
La Plateforme Citoyenne BELRefugees

The Citizens’ Platform encourages the respect of a migration policy in accordance with international conventions, and in the respect of everyone’s rights. It is convinced that only a sustainable and united solution, based on the respect of human rights and universal brotherhood, can be put in place to face the global crisis of hospitality that our time is experiencing.
La Plateforme Citoyenne BELRefugees Burger platform œuvre pour une société plus ouverte et plus inclusive à l’égard des personnes en migration et vise à mobiliser et fédérer les énergies citoyennes et associatives pour transformer les représentations et attitudes sociétales au sujet des personnes en migration en contribuant à offrir une réponse à leurs besoins qui soit fondamentalement humaine et de qualité en développant, si nécessaire, de nouvelles solutions.
L'Auberge des Migrants

Since 2008, L’Auberge des Migrants has provided emergency aid for people in exile in Calais.
Depuis 2008, aide d’urgence aux exilés à Calais.
Le centre temporaire d'Herbeumont

The temporary center of Herbeumont is a center for asylum seeker in Belgium. It is managed by Fedasil. The center can welcome up to 425 people and functions with a team of 70 employees. The center opened its doors on May 12 2020.
Le centre temporaire d’Herbeumont est un centre pour l’accueil des demandeurs de protection internationale (asile) en Belgique. Il est directement géré par Fedasil. Le centre a une capacité maximale de 425 personnes et l’accompagnement y est organisé par une équipe de 70 collaborateurs. Le centre a ouvert ses portes le 12 mai 2020.
Le Refugee Women's Centre
Dunkirk & Calais

The Refugee Women’s Centre provides holistic support for migrant women and families living in informal outdoor settlements in Calais and Dunkirk and in accommodation centres in surrounding areas. We are committed to creating safe spaces for women and children, providing them with the means to live with dignity, and advocating for access to shelter and for other human rights to be met.
Le Refugee Women’s Centre offre un soutien holistique aux femmes et aux familles migrantes du nord de la France qui vivent sans abri dans des campements informels en plein air. Nous nous engageons à créer des espaces sûrs pour les femmes et les enfants, à leur fournir les moyens de vivre dans la dignité et à défendre l’accès au logement et le respect des autres droits humains.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Canada

Melissa Network

Melissa is a network of refugee and migrant women, promoting empowerment, integration and social cohesion – an open beehive of creativity and communication.
Η Μέλισσα είναι ένα δίκτυο γυναικών προσφύγων και μεταναστριών από όλο τον κόσμο, που προωθεί την ένταξη και την κοινωνική συνοχή – μια ανοιχτή κυψέλη δημιουργικότητας και επικοινωνίας.
METAdrasi: Action for migration and development

METAdrasi aims to facilitate the reception and integration of refugees and migrants in Greece. Through our projects we are determined to uphold and protect the fundamental human rights of all those displaced and persecuted through innovative interventions.
Η ΜΕΤΑδραση επιδιώκει να καλύψει κρίσιμα κενά στην υποδοχή και ένταξη προσφύγων και μεταναστών στην Ελλάδα. Μέσω των δράσεών της είναι αποφασισμένη να στηρίξει και να προστατεύσει, μέσω καινοτόμων παρεμβάσεων, τα θεμελιώδη ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα όλων εκείνων που εκτοπίζονται και διώκονται.
Mines Advisory Group

The Mines Advisory Group (MAG) is a global humanitarian and advocacy organisation that finds, removes and destroys landmines, cluster munitions and unexploded bombs in countries affected by conflict. MAG also provides risk education sessions, so people returning home after being displaced by conflict, can live as safely as a possible until the land is fully cleared.
MJC du Briançonnais - Centre Social

La MJC-Centre social développe depuis 1965 de nombreux projets et actions d’animation de la vie sociale et culturelle de proximité au service des habitants de la ville de Briançon et des communes environnantes en étant à l’écoute de leur demande. Elle met en oeuvre les missions d’un centre d’un centre social favorisant le lien social, jouant un important rôle d’interface entre les citoyens, les collectivités, les pouvoirs publics et les associations, l’accès aux droits et au développement du pouvoir d’agir des habitants. Elle propose des activités complémentaires avec une approche différentes de celles existantes.En 1997 elle prend en gestion, en délégation de service public de la communauté de Communes, l’exploitation cinéma art & essai l’Eden Studio. Fortement ancrée dans le territoire de la Communauté de Commune du Briançonnais, la MJC-Centre Social est amenée à échanger avec des acteurs proches et éloignés.
Created in 1965, the MJC-Centre social has developed numerous projects and actions to promote social and cultural life in the area ever since. It works for and with the inhabitants of Briançon and its surrounding municipalities. It is a social centre which acts as a bridge between citizens, communities, public authorities and associations. It defends access to rights and the empowerment of the inhabitants.In 1997, the center took over the management of the Eden Studio, an art house cinema. Strongly anchored in the territory of the Communauté de Commune du Briançonnais, the MJC-Centre Social works in collaboration with close and distant actors.
Network for Children's Rights

Network for Children’s Rights (The Network) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to safeguard the rights of children as set out by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
Network for Children's Rights: Migratory Birds

Migratory Birds, a newspaper by Network for Children’s Rights is the result of the teamwork of Young Journalists, a team consisting of teenage and young migrants, refugees and Greeks.
Refugee Action

Refugee Action’s vision is that refugees and people seeking asylum will be welcome in the UK. They will get justice, live free of poverty and be able to successfully rebuild their lives.
Refugee Cafe

Refugee Council

The Refugee Council provides practical and emotional support to refugees and people seeking asylum, helping them to rebuild their lives in the UK.
Safe Passage

Safe Passage International is a charity working across Europe to ensure every person seeking asylum is able to access a safe and legal route to sanctuary.
Samphire Project

Samphire Project – Changing Attitudes to, and improving lives of ex-detainees and migrant communities. The Samphire Project has both a national remit and a local one. Nationally, their Ex-detainee Project provides support and advice to ex-detainees via a Freephone helpline, currently open five days a week. Locally, in Dover, Samphire runs a community engagement project working with migrant and British communities to improve social cohesion, and better inclusion of migrants into Dover and surrounding areas of Kent.
Save the Children Norway

Save the Children USA

Second Tree

Second Tree is a Greek, grassroots, volunteer-run organization that provides non-formal education to refugees in the region of Epirus, Northern Greece.

The Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM) is working as an independent, impartial, and non-profit association to assist refugees and asylum-seekers living in Turkey.
Sığınmacılar ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği (SGDD), bağımsız, tarafsız ve kar amacı gütmeyen bir dernek olarak, Türkiye’de yaşayan mülteci ve sığınmacılara yardım etmek amacıyla faaliyet gösteriyor.

SolidarityNow aims to support the most vulnerable members of our society without any discrimination. Through our initiatives we seek to restore the vision of a strong Europe based on solidarity and open society values.
To SolidarityNow στοχεύει στην στήριξη των ευάλωτων μελών της κοινωνίας μας χωρίς διακρίσεις. Μέσα από τις πρωτοβουλίες μας θέλουμε να αποκαταστήσουμε το όραμα μιας Ευρώπης ισχυρής που βασίζεται στην αλληλεγγύη και της αξίες μιας ανοιχτής κοινωνίας
SOS Children's Villages Greece

SOS Children’s Villages Greece, member of SOS Children’s Villages International, aims at helping children who have lost or are at risk of losing parental care.
SOS Méditerranée

SOS Méditerranée is a European, maritime-humanitarian organisation for the rescue of life at sea, currently operating in the Mediterranean sea in international waters north of Libya.
SOS Méditerranée est une association civile et européenne de recherche et sauvetage en haute mer, créée le 9 mai 2015, par des citoyens voulant agir pour mettre fin aux naufrages en Méditerranée centrale.
'Tesco' Aid Centre
Przemyśl, Poland

The ‘Tesco’ Aid Centre in Przemyśl, Poland is a former grocery-store turned Humanitarian aid Center where many Ukrainian refugees have sought refuge after crossing the border into Poland.
The drawings in the image are created young people staying in the centre (source).
The HOME Project

The Home Project (THP) creates HOMES with the aim to provide a holistic network of child protection services to lone refugee children in Greece.
Η ΤΗΡ δημιουργεί σπίτια με στόχο την παροχή ενός ολιστικού πλαισίου υπηρεσιών παιδικής προστασίας σε παιδιά πρόσφυγες που φτάνουν μόνα τους στην Ελλάδα.
The Syria Campaign

The Syria Campaign is a human rights advocacy group supporting Syria’s heroes in the struggle for freedom and democracy.
Together With Refugees

War Child Canada

European Syrian Civil Society Network

WASL وَصْلْ is a network of European Syrian umbrella organisations. The NGO members of these networks are working towards ensuring a dignified life for Syrians in Syria and abroad.
West London Welcomes

West Hampstead Welcomes

Witness at the Border

Youth Center of Epirus

The Youth Center of Epirus (YC Epirus) is a non-profit organisation located in Ioannina, in the heart of the Epirus region, Greece. It hosts departments of young adult non-formal education and asylum seeker integration.